The dialogue below is neither a dialogue of characters in New Year’s films nor a funny comic in Hong Kong’s operas. Rather, it is the truth of a DPRK military adviser to the DPRK in the War to Resist America and the DPRK and Xiao Jianfei, the deputy commander of the 122nd Army of the 42nd Army of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army dialogue. Q: “How many aircraft are you going to send into the war?” “A: ” Q: “How many artillery units do you dispatch and the tanks stand with the infantry?” A: “There is no tank, . ”Q:“ What is the point? How many large-caliber artillery? ”“ A: ”A division about a dozen 100mm artillery, but because of the river, a lot of artillery is not shipped over the rear." After three questions were asked, the Soviet military advisers concluded that taking the inferiority of Chinese military equipment impossible to match with the mighty U.S. forces