凤尾菇下半年的栽培季节一般是10月份播种,11月份就可大量出菇,但到春节前后,由于气温降低,满足不了子实体发生和生长对温度的要求,致使出菇很少或甚至不出菇,而正是春节前后这段时期,市场对鲜菇的需求量最大。为了解决这一矛盾,笔者设计了一种新的栽培方法,经过实践证明,适合在低温季节条件下栽培。现将其栽培方法介绍如下:作法 培养料配方不变,管理方法与常规栽培法不同的是,将拌好的培养料装在垫有薄膜的箩筐里,用谷箩或篾丝箩均可,每箩大约装40~50斤培养料,装好后稍压实,
In the second half of the cultivation season, mushrooms are generally planted in October, and a large number of mushrooms can be produced in November. However, due to the temperature drop before the Spring Festival, the fruiting body growth and temperature can not be satisfied, resulting in few or even low fruiting bodies Not mushrooms, but it is during this period before and after the Spring Festival, the market demand for fresh mushrooms the largest. In order to solve this contradiction, the author has designed a new cultivation method, which has been proved to be suitable for cultivation under low temperature season conditions. Now its cultivation methods are introduced as follows: practice training material formula unchanged, management methods and conventional cultivation method is different, the mixed culture material installed in the padded baskets, baskets, Each 箩 about 40 to 50 pounds of culture material, installed a little compacted,