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Rapid increase in the production of marine shrimps in the coastal zone has resulted in large-scale con-version of mangrove forests to shrimp ponds.Productions of the shrimps in some regions have been unstable.Conse-quently,a number of ponds are left idle.Restoring environmental conditions within the pond site by planting a suitablemangrove species considered an option.The experiment herein was carried out to explore the effect of planting methodson growth of Nipa palm in abandoned shrimp ponds in the Southern Thailand.Economically,coastal villagers in this areaearn their income from the palm in several ways,the most importantly in Nipa sugar production.Most seedlings wereplanted on top of furrows were constructed in the pond to avoid flooding,except for some seedlings which were planted inthe pond base where additional pond sludge were slightly filled up to compare their growth rates.The results showed thatplanting seedlings with attached rhizomes had the best growth rate and without seedling death at 14 months after plant-ing.At this stage,however,the height of seedlings grown from the fallen fruits was similar to those growth from barerooted seedlings(70 cm tall).Also,seedling mortality was not observed when growth from fallen fruits whereas about6% mortality was experienced by the bare rooted ones.Among the bare rooted seedling treatments,however no signifi-cant differences in growth rates were found when applying the soil with chemical fertilizers or farm manure or liming withCaCO3.In addition,it was found that seedling growth measured at 40 months after planting for those growths in pondbase was almost100% greater than those grown on the furrows.Therefore,this finding may be applied for the restorationof abandoned shrimp ponds by growing Nipa palm. Rapid increase in the production of marine shrimps in the coastal zone has resulted in large-scale con-version of mangrove forests to shrimp ponds. Productions of the shrimps in some regions have been unstable. Consequential, a number of ponds are left idle .Restoring environmental conditions within the pond site by planting a suitable species species an option the experiment herein was carried out to explore the effect of planting methodson growth of Nipa palm in abandoned shrimp ponds in the Southern Thailand. Economically, coastal villagers in this areaearn their income from the palm in several ways, the most importantly in Nipa sugar production. Host seed were wereted on top of furrows were constructed in the pond to avoid flooding, except for some seedlings which were planted inthe pond base where additional pond sludge were slightly filled up to compare their growth rates. The results showed thatplanting seedlings with attached rhizomes had the best growth rate and without s eedling death at 14 months after plant -ing. At this stage, however, the height of seedlings grown from the fallen fruits was similar to those grown from barerooted seedlings (70 cm tall) .Also, seedling mortality was not observed when growth from fallen fruitsatin about6% mortality was experienced by the bare rooted ones.Among the bare rooted seedling treatments, however no signifi-cant differences in growth rates were found when applying the soil with chemical fertilizers or farm manure or liming withCaCO3.In addition, it was found that seedling growth measured at 40 months after planting for those growths in pondbase was almost 100% greater than those grown on the furrows.Therefore, this finding may be applied for the restoration of abandoned shrimp ponds by growing Nipa palm.
由Weiss,Tabor和Carnevale (WTC)提出的Painlevé分析法是目前最有效且应用广泛的直接判别非线性偏微分方程的方法之一.借助符号计算软件Maple,首先将判断非线性系统可积性的
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伴随21世纪数字化技术日新月异的迅猛发展,信息时代的洪流已波及世界的各个角落,使社会生活的各个方面都产生了重大变化。不可避免的,档案管理也越来越多地受到了数字化技术的影响。本文针对现代档案数字化建设的价值意义及途径方法两个主要方面进行了简单分析。  一、价值意义  数字化档案管理是传统的档案管理的继承和发展,现代档案的数字化建设也必须借鉴传统的档案建设的经验。因此,在很大程度上,数字化档案都有着传
摘 要:对于《喧哗与骚动》,福克纳有一种特别的偏爱,他在接受采访时一再强调这是他“最为心爱的”,“最有感情的一本书”。那么,这本书究竟有什么特色?这当然要归结于作者所赋予它的深厚的艺术价值和社会价值了。近年来,学者从不同的角度研究《喧哗与骚动》:小说的语言特色、叙述策略、伦理学、生态女性主义。鲜有人对小说中的人物形象进行分析。本文旨在探讨该书叙述者之一:班吉的性格特点,以及蕴含于该形象之下深刻的人