中国近代百年以降 ,农民阶级、资产阶级维新派和革命派先后提出过各自的社会发展主张 ,从太平天国的《天朝田亩制度》、康有为的“大同世界”理想 ,到孙中山以“平均地权”为主要内容的民生主义。这些主张实际上只能是乌托邦。改革开放后 ,中国共产党郑重提出建设“小康社会” ,十六大又明确提出了“全面建设小康社会”的奋斗目标。这是时代的超越 ,是符合中国国情的历史选择
Since the centenary of modern China, the peasantry, the bourgeois reformers and the revolutionists have put forward their respective social development propositions. From the “Tian Tian Tian Mu System” of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Kang Youwei’s ideal of “the common ground” to Sun Yat-sen’s “average land ownership” The main content of the people’s livelihood. These ideas can in fact be utopian. After the reform and opening up, the Chinese Communist Party solemnly proposed building a “moderately prosperous society,” and the 16th CPC National Congress explicitly put forward the goal of “building an overall well-to-do society.” This is surpassing the age and is a historical choice that is in keeping with China’s national conditions