如今已不再是“酒香不怕巷子深”的时代,也不会再有“牧童遥指杏花村”的情景。此时,我们正处于一个物质和信息都极为丰富的时代:产品同质化竞争,产能过剩,供求失衡,信息爆炸,注意力稀缺品牌成为产品与众不同的唯一原因。在这个“万物皆营销”的时代,“Nonews is bad news”(没有新闻可不是件好事),那么,你的企业弄出点“事”了吗?
Now is no longer “wine is not afraid of the alley ” era, there will be no “shepherd child Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen ” scene. At this point, we are in an age when both matter and information are extremely rich: product homogeneity, overcapacity, imbalance between supply and demand, information explosion, and scarcity of attention brands are the only reasons why products are different. In this era of “everything is marketing,” “Nonews is bad news” (no news is not a good thing), then your business come up with “things” yet?