波动因其空间上的复杂性和时间上的重复性成了高中物理教学的一个难点 ,而波的干涉就成了难点上的难点。如何攻克这个学习难点 ,掌握波的干涉规律 ?笔者建议从下列六个层面出发 ,弄清六个问题 ,全面认识波的干涉现象。1 掌握波的独立传播和叠加原理 ,为认识波的干涉打下理论基
Because of its spatial complexity and temporal repetitiveness, fluctuations have become a difficult point in high school physics teaching, and wave interference has become a difficult point. How to overcome this difficulty in learning and master the interference law of waves? The author proposes to proceed from the following six levels, clarify six issues, and fully understand the wave interference phenomenon. 1 Grasp the principle of independent propagation and superposition of waves to lay a theoretical foundation for understanding wave interference