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作为政教处负责人,多年以来,我始终抱着德育工作“重在实践,贵在创新”的理念,积极探索学校德育工作的新路子、新方法、新形式,形成了自己的德育管理工作特色,不仅保证了学校教育教学质量的全面提升,而且提高了全校教工的职业道德素养和未成年人的思想道德素质。 Over the years, as a leader of the church and state office, I always hold the concept of “focusing on practice and innovation” in moral education and actively explore new ways, new methods and new forms of moral education in schools and form my own moral education management Work characteristics not only ensure the overall improvement of the quality of school education, but also improve the professional ethics of minors and minors ideological and moral qualities.
In order to understand the process of surface erosion and acquire basic data of conditions on hillslope without vegetation, a sprinkling experiment is conducted
Today is my birthday. I’m tired after school.  When I get home and open the door, there is a clown(小丑) saying, “Hello, welcome home! Hello, welcome home!” And he is tossing(抛) and catching three apple
周小斌是靖安县香田乡黄垅村一位平凡普通的农民,却连续当选为靖安县第十二、十三和十四届人大代表,问及其连续当选为县人大代表的体会和感受时,他感慨地说: Zhou Xiaobin i
17年前,25岁的杨存智被分配到一个当时不起眼的偏僻小矿——同煤集团马脊梁矿。当时的马脊梁矿条件十分艰苦,一些大学生 Seventeen years ago, Yang Cunzhi, 25, was assign
Purpose To compare clinically 2diff erent subtypes of Her-mansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS),type 1(HPS -1)and type 3(HPS -3).Design Cross-sectional study of a s erie
牛川流域属窟野河的一级支流 ,项目区位于牛川右岸 ,隶属内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟 ,涉及 3个旗 (市 )、8个乡镇。项目区总面积 90 6 5km2 ,占牛川流域总面积的 39 86 % ,其