基于云计算技术,构建了铝合金宽幅板材轧制工艺优化系统,并对优化轧制工艺获得的5083铝合金宽幅板材的显微组织、物相组成和力学性能进行了测试与对比分析。结果表明,经云计算系统优化轧制工艺获得的5083铝合金宽幅板具有更佳的力学性能,450℃抗拉强度、屈服强度、伸长率分别达到246、98 MPa和32.4%;当测试温度从室温提高到450℃时,与常规轧制相比,云计算系统优化轧制5083铝合金宽幅板材的抗拉强度降幅从67.3%变为11.8%,屈服强度降幅从71.2%变为15.5%。
Based on the cloud computing technology, the optimization system of the aluminum alloy wide plate rolling process was established. The microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of the 5083 aluminum alloy wide plate obtained by optimized rolling process were tested and compared. The results show that 5083 aluminum alloy wide plate obtained by optimized rolling process of cloud computing system has better mechanical properties, and the tensile strength, yield strength and elongation of 450 ℃ reach 246, 98 MPa and 32.4% respectively. When tested When the temperature was raised from room temperature to 450 ℃, compared with the conventional rolling, the tensile strength of the 5083 aluminum alloy wide plate optimized by cloud computing system decreased from 67.3% to 11.8% and the yield strength decreased from 71.2% to 15.5 %.