一、母题概述 本文涉及的七部史诗作品是印度的《罗摩衍那》和《摩诃婆罗多》、希腊的《伊利亚特》和《奥德修记》、中国藏族的《格萨尔王传》、蒙古族的《江格尔》和柯尔克孜族的《玛纳斯》。它们都包含一个共同的母题——争夺英雄的妻子。母题的内容概括起来说就是,英雄妻子的美色受到敌方首领的觊觎,不惜穷兵黩武,或将其劫走,或长时期对她围困要挟。敌方的这一暴行激起英雄极大的愤慨,他不顾一切代价,或是深入敌营,同敌人浴血奋战,战胜敌人,救出妻子凯旋而归;或是不顾山高路远,风尘仆仆赶回家园,打败要挟者,与妻子团聚。我们可以将该母题结合具体的作品分而述之。
I. Motif overview The seven epics covered in this article are the Ramayana and Mahabharata in India, the Iliad and Odyssey in Greece, the Gesa Er Wang Biography “, Mongolian” Jiang Geer “and Kirgiz” Manas. " They all contain a common motif - the hero’s wife. In summary, the content of the motif is that the beauty of a heroine’s wife is captivated by the enemy chiefs, who are either mercenary, robbed or robbed of her, or threatened her for a long period of time. The atrocities by the enemy provoked great indignation at the hero. At any cost, he went to the enemy camp, fought bloody battles with enemies, victoriously defeated his enemy and rescued his wife; Homeland, defeat the reins, reunite with his wife. We can combine this motif with specific works.