Java一派的传道士们近日再度为他们所钟爱的程序设计语言传福音,劝说软件出版商协会(SPA)的成员加入到这次软件改革中去。他们宣称这次软件世界的革新,只是在这个竞争而非垄断的时代中起指导作用。“我听说Redmond的某些人说Java是一个低下的普通的命名,”Netscape的总经理JamesBarksdale在他的会议上对软件界的同仁们说,“这并不是歧视,而是恭维。”同时同意其看法的人并不在少数。其中有Novell的总经理Eric Schmidt。1995年5月Sun公布Java时他曾是SunMicrosystems的技术总监,还有Symantec的总经理GordonEubanks。“现在是该认清这个问题的时候了。打个比方,如果每个人都制定自己的轨道宽度,那么软件工业永远不可能铺设出一条完整的铁路。”Eubanks宣称。Internet咨询公司USWeb的技术总监Schldon Laube,明显对Java事件保持沉默。USWeb作为
Java-based missionaries have once again evangelized their favorite programming languages and persuaded members of the Software Publishers Association (SPA) to join this software reform. They claimed that this innovation in the software world only played a guiding role in this era of competition rather than monopoly. “I heard that some people in Redmond say that Java is a low-level, generic name,” said James Barksdale, general manager of Netscape, at a software conference in his conference. “This is not discrimination, but compliment.” There are not many people who agree with their views. Among them is Eric Schmidt, general manager of Novell. When Sun announced Java in May 1995, he was the technical director of Sun Microsystems and Gordon Eubanks, general manager of Symantec. “It is time to recognize this issue. For example, if everyone sets their own track width, the software industry will never be able to build a complete railway,” Eubanks declared. Schldon Laube, chief technology officer of the Internet consultancy USWeb, apparently remained silent on Java events. USWeb