Functional differences between various lymphocytes often appear on the surface properties of the cell membrane. Therefore, analysis of membrane surface markers is a good way to identify and count different lymphocyte populations. Human B lymphocytes (B cells) have surface Ig, while human IgCs do not detect surface Ig. Human T cells can bind to sheep erythrocytes at 0 ° C. Later developed to differentiate between helper T cells (Lyl ~ +) and suppress T cells (Ly23 +) using mouse alloantibodies, which led to the discovery of the human T cell heterologous antigen (TH1), the nature of this TH1 antigen Similar to mouse Ly1, restricted to helper T cells. In addition to the TH1 antigen marker, it has been reported that human T helper and suppress T cells can be distinguished by their different Fc receptor types, isolated human T cells with IgG-Fc receptor (FcγR)) have the ability to inhibit T cell viability, T cells with IgM-Fc receptor (FcuR) have helper T cell viability. Can be seen that all types of lymphocyte function with its membrane surface properties.