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提出了一种基于杠杆平衡原理的零件内部缺陷检测方法,检测方法根据零件内部气孔或裂纹的体积与质量的关系,以杠杆平衡系统中力的变化间接实现无损检测,以杠杆平衡系统中力与力矩平衡与零件质量的关系为基础,通过按一定方向越过支点微小位移,测量杠杆平衡系统中零件每个不同位置的受力变化大小,求解被测零件各片层的质量和相应片层重心坐标值,建立各片层质量和所含微小单元体的方程组及重心坐标方程组,并建立各片层质量相应的数据库,进而通过智能计算求解方程组,达到无损检测的目的。重点论述了基于杠杆原理的零件内部缺陷检测方法的基本原理及数学理论依据、零件内部气孔或裂纹检测实施方法,经过初步实验,验证了本检测方法操作简单、切实可靠。 A method based on the principle of lever balance is proposed to detect internal defects in parts. The detection method is based on the relationship between the volume and the mass of pores or cracks in the parts. Non-destructive testing is carried out indirectly with the change of the force in the lever balancing system. Torque balance and the quality of the parts as the basis, measured by a certain direction across the fulcrum small displacement, measuring the force balance of the lever balance system at different parts of each location changes the size of the measured parts of each slice of the mass and the corresponding sheet center of gravity coordinates Value, the establishment of the quality of each layer and contains the small unit equations and barycentric coordinate equations, and the establishment of the corresponding quality of the various layers of the database, and then through the intelligent calculation of the equations to achieve the purpose of non-destructive testing. This paper mainly discusses the basic principle and mathematical theory basis of the internal defect detection method based on the principle of lever, and the method of detecting stomatal or crack inside the part. After preliminary experiments, this method is proved to be simple and reliable.
原油甾、萜烷的分布表明 ,QHD32 6 3井明化镇组不同油组的原油来自相同生烃层系 ,但各油组原油色谱特征及芳烃系列化合物组成具有明显的差别。色谱特征的差异主要是第 2期
介绍巴东长江大桥北岸主塔 3.0 m大直径桩基施工中 ,桩基的冲 (钻 )孔方案和混凝土的浇注方案。 This paper introduces the flushing (drilling) hole plan of the pile fo
目的 :探讨冠心病 (CHD)患者颈动脉内中膜厚度 (IMT)及粥样斑块的发生情况 ,及其对CHD的诊断价值。方法 :据冠状动脉造影将 76例患者分为CHD组 (5 2例 )和非CHD组 (2 4例 ) ,
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杭州湾跨海大桥是目前世界第一跨海长桥,深海区桥梁上部结构采用70 m预应力混凝土箱梁整体预制和水上运架技术施工。本文通过该工程,重点讨论了用GPS和全站仪进行大桥箱梁架设测量技术,包括对墩身的支承中心线的复核、临时支座的安装及放样、箱梁的出海检查、箱梁的粗对位、箱梁的精确对位和箱梁竣工测量等。