涠洲岛位于北海市区以南36海里,面积26.63平方公里,是广西第一大海岛,也是我国最大的火山喷发堆积岛。美丽的涠洲岛象一块碧玉镶嵌在北部湾海面上。这里四季温暖如春,树木葱茏,环岛岸线曲折,鱼类资源丰富,不仅是风光旖旎的旅游度假胜地,也是鸟儿的天堂。 淳朴的岛民 常住人口只有1.45万的北海市涠洲岛,共有9个村委会,2个居委会,54个自然村,而世居者姓氏竟超过90个,构成了迥然不同于农村宗族聚居
Weizhou Island is located 36 nautical miles south of the Beihai urban area with an area of 26.63 square kilometers. It is the largest island in Guangxi and the largest volcanic eruption in China. Beautiful Weizhou Island like a jade mosaic in the North Bay sea. Four seasons warm spring, trees verdant, twists and turns of the island coastline, rich fish resources, not only is the beautiful scenery of tourist resorts, but also a bird’s paradise. A simple Islander resident population of only 14,500 Beizhou Weizhou Island, a total of nine village committees, two neighborhood committees, 54 villages, while the number of natives surpassing more than 90, constitutes a very different from the rural clan inhabited