一个40岁的女人制造了一起震惊全国的首例金融凭证诈骗大案,从而踏上了那条属于她的风雨不归路。1999年3月11日,她在山东被执行死刑。 童年时的娇纵溺爱,青年时的放纵堕落,中年时的贪婪疯狂,本文向读者展示了这个中年女子奇特的的人生之旅。 本案给国家造成的损失触目惊心,为金融系统的管理敲响震耳的警钟——完善管理机制,整顿金融秩序,加强犯罪预防,堵塞犯罪漏洞,已成为摆在我们面前的一个不可忽视的严峻课题。
A 40-year-old woman made a big case of a financial fraud that shocked the country and set foot on the stormy road that belonged to her. On March 11, 1999, she was executed in Shandong. Childhood spoiled, adolescent indulgence, greed crazy middle age, this article shows the reader this middle-aged woman’s unique journey of life. The case has shocked the country and caused alarming alarm for the management of the financial system. Improving the management mechanism, rectifying the financial order, strengthening crime prevention and blocking the loopholes in crime have become a serious issue that can not be ignored before us .