目的研究河北省部分地区女性混合性尿失禁(MUI)的患病率及影响因素。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法,抽取河北省石家庄、保定、邢台三个地区城市和农村中,年龄在20岁以上不同职业的女性,共2 500人。通过面对面询问的方式进行调查。使用SPSS13.0统计软件,部分处理兼用SAS8.1统计软件完成。结果合格问卷共2 448份,城市1 485份,农村963份。河北省3个地区女性MUI的患病率为6.9%(168/2448),就诊率为8.3%(14/168)。轻、中、重度患者的构成比依次为54.8%(92/168)、34.5%(58/168)、10.7%(18/168)。20.2%(34/168)的患者伴有排尿疼痛,32.1%(54/168)的患者伴有排尿不顺。26.8%(45/168)的患者表示性生活受到影响。年龄、绝经、子宫脱垂、便秘、高血压、糖尿病等29个因素与MUI的发生相关(P<0.05)。结论 MUI是河北省女性的常见病,但就诊率较低。该病以轻度为主,并且有复杂的伴随症状。年龄、绝经、糖尿病等多种因素与其发生相关。
Objective To study the prevalence and influencing factors of mixed female urinary incontinence (MUI) in some areas of Hebei province. Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to select 2 500 women of different ages from the age of 20 in cities and rural areas in Shijiazhuang, Baoding and Xingtai of Hebei Province. Investigate by face-to-face interrogation. Using SPSS13.0 statistical software, part of the processing and use SAS8.1 statistical software to complete. The results of a total of 2 448 qualified questionnaires, 1 485 cities, 963 rural areas. The prevalence of female MUI in three districts of Hebei Province was 6.9% (168/2448), and the visiting rate was 8.3% (14/168). The proportions of mild, moderate and severe patients were 54.8% (92/168), 34.5% (58/168) and 10.7% (18/168), respectively. Twenty (20%) patients (34/168) had painful urination and 32.1% (54/168) patients had irregular urination. 26.8% (45/168) of patients said that their sexual lives were affected. Age, menopause, uterine prolapse, constipation, hypertension, diabetes and other 29 factors associated with the occurrence of MUI (P <0.05). Conclusion MUI is a common disease in women in Hebei Province, but the visiting rate is lower. The disease is mildly predominant and has complicated accompanying symptoms. Age, menopause, diabetes and other factors related to its occurrence.