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前不久,第八届全国人民代表大会第四次会议通过了《关于修改<中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法>的决定》,根据这个《决定》,经过修改的刑事诉讼法于 1997年1月1日起正式实施。这次刑事诉讼法的修改,贯彻了“发展民主,健全法制,加强制约,保障人权”的精神。在保持原来法条的体例和框架结构的基础上,在一系列重大问题上作了较大的修改、补充,条文从164条增加到225条。这不仅是量的增加,而且有质的飞跃,使我国的刑事诉讼法制得到进一步的健全,标志着我国民主与法制建设迈出了新的重要一步。概括起来看,这次在刑事诉讼制度上的重大改革主要体现在以下方面: 确立了“罪疑从无”原则 根据新的刑事诉讼法,在总则第一章基本原则部分,增加了一条新的规定:“未经人民法院依法判决,对任何人都不得确定有罪。”这虽然不等同于“无罪推定”,但体现了“无罪推定”的主要要求,可以说是对“有罪推定”的直接否定。与“无罪推定”原则密切相关的是“罪疑从无”原则。这个原则较为明确地体现在经修改后此法的第162条第3项规定之中:人民法院对干“证据不足,不能认定被告人有罪的,应当作出证据不足、指控的犯罪不能成立的无罪判决。”这是对“罪疑从有”或“罪疑从轻”的直接否 Not long ago, the Fourth Session of the Eighth National People’s Congress passed the Decision on Amending the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China. According to this Decision, the amended Criminal Procedure Law was passed on January 1, 1997 Since the formal implementation. The revision of the Criminal Procedure Law has implemented the spirit of “developing democracy, improving the legal system, strengthening the restriction and safeguarding human rights.” On the basis of maintaining the system and framework of the original law, great changes and additions have been made to a series of major issues. The number of articles has been increased from 164 to 225. This is not only an increase in quantity but also a qualitative leap so that the legal system of criminal procedure in our country is further perfected, marking a new important step for the building of democracy and legal system in our country. To sum up, this major reform in the criminal procedure system mainly reflects in the following aspects: Establishing the principle of “no doubt from doubt” According to the new Code of Criminal Procedure, a new principle has been added to the basic principles in the first chapter of the General Principles Stipulates that “no person shall be guilty of any crime without the judgment of the people’s court according to law.” Although this does not mean “presumption of innocence”, it reflects the main requirement of “presumption of innocence” and can be said to be “presumption of guilt” The direct negation. Closely related to the principle of “presumption of innocence” is the principle of “no doubt from doubt”. This principle is more clearly reflected in Article 162, paragraph 3, of the amended Law: “If the people’s court is unable to prove that the defendant is guilty of insufficient evidence, he should make insufficient evidence and the criminal charges can not be substantiated. Crimes. ”This is a direct“ no doubt ”or“ less suspicious. ”
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临近傍晚,朱散才回来,没进屋就急忙问妻子翠花把东西准备得怎么样了。  朱散话音未落,翠花早已把预备好的一化肥袋子花生、一袋豆钱子,还有十几斤小麦煎饼一股脑搬卸到了朱散跟前。朱散看了一眼说:“还有呢?”翠花满脸疑惑地问朱散:“还有啥?就这些还是凑了七八家呢!”  朱散二话没说,便走进里屋把那辆破“大金鹿”推车推出来,停靠在院里的磨盘后,将妻子准备的那些东西都绑了上去。  好久,没见翠花出来,朱散等急
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