斯琴高娃,观众非常熟悉和喜爱的著名演员,从影以来,先后主演了《归心似箭》、《骆驼祥子》、《香魂女》、《康熙大帝》、《大宅门》等60多部影视剧,是“金鸡奖”、“百花奖”双料影后,并荣获香港金像奖最佳女主角奖。尤其是电视连续剧《大宅门》中二奶奶白文氏一角,更是让她赢得了如潮的鲜花和掌声。 斯琴高娃事业辉煌,家庭美满幸福。上世纪80年代中期,再婚的斯琴高娃息影,随丈夫陈亮声定居瑞士,成了名副其实的家庭主妇。后来,在丈夫的支持下,她复出影坛,塑造了一系列栩栩如生的艺术形象,迎来了演艺事业的第二个黄金时期。
Siqin Gaowa, the audience is very familiar with and loved the famous actor, from the film, has starred in the “Heart Like Arrow”, “Camel Shoko”, “Soul Soul”, “Emperor Kangxi”, “House Gate” more than 60 films Drama, is “Golden Rooster Award”, “Hundred Flowers Award” double shadow, and won the Hongkong award for best actress. In particular, the TV series “House Gate” in the corner of the second Wainwright, but also allows her to win the waves of flowers and applause. Siqin Gaowa brilliant career, the family happy. Mid-80s of last century, remarried Siqin Gaowa interest rates, with her husband Chen Liangsheng settled in Switzerland, has become a veritable housewife. Later, with the support of her husband, she returned from the film scene, creating a series of lifelike artistic images that ushered in the second golden age of performing arts.