加筋土是在土体内配置相应数量的筋条使成为复合的柔性建筑。这种结构对地基的沉降有较大的适应性,且施工简便,造价低廉,少占用土地。六十年代以来加筋土在国外已广泛使用,近年国内亦有多次用于码头、护岸和公路路堤工程上。铁路第四设计院于1983年在武昌葛店化工厂专用线上建成了加筋土挡墙,工程质量良好,也收到节省造价的效果,证明这是一种很有发展前途的新工艺。为了向读者传播加筋土的理论知识,现选载了赵炎华同志的《加筋土结构设计理论的研究》一文,文中介绍了加筋土各种设计理论的现状和作者提出的“B 法”和“C 法”理论,并进行了比较和分析,以供参考。由于论文篇幅较长,我们将分期连载。与此同时我们将选登一些有关加筋土工程的报导,以供参照。
Reinforced soil is configured with a corresponding number of ribs in the soil to make it a composite flexible building. This kind of structure has greater adaptability to the settlement of the foundation, and the construction is simple, the construction cost is low, and the land is occupied less. Reinforced earth has been widely used in foreign countries since the 1960s. In recent years, it has been used on many occasions in docks, revetments and highway embankments. The Fourth Railway Design Institute built a reinforced earth retaining wall on the exclusive line of the Gedian Chemical Plant in Wuchang in 1983. The quality of the project was good, and it also received the effect of cost savings, proving that this is a promising new process. In order to disseminate the theoretical knowledge of reinforced earth to readers, the article “Research on the Theory of Reinforced Soil Structure Design” by Comrade Zhao Yanhua is selected. The paper presents the status quo of various design theories of reinforced earth and the “B” method proposed by the author. The “” and “C” methods are compared and analyzed for reference. Due to the length of the paper, we will install it serially. At the same time, we will select some reports on the reinforced earth works for reference.