Study Explanation and Translation from Gadamer's Philosophy of Translation

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  Abstract : This paper focuses on hermeneutics and the ins and outs of translation in the history of philosophy, philosophical sense translate people's cognitive domains described from the perspective of philosophical history. Gadamer's philosophical views expounded the idea of understanding to be followed in the philosophy of translation.
  Keywords : Gadamer translated Kant
  Etymological point of view from hermeneutics, interpretation and translation of a natural close contact. In ancient Greek mythology, Hermes is the messenger of the gods of Olympia mountains, to pass the will of God to the world. God's language and the language of the two different languages, so this kind of transmission First translate the language of God into the adult language. Opaque due to the will of God, the translation must be interpreted, elucidation of the implication. It can be said, the translation and interpretation constitute two inseparable aspects of the same transfer process. It is because of this close contact, explained sociologist hermeneutics "translation" has always attached great importance to many people write articles to discuss the problem of translation, for example, Schleiermacher's "On the translation of different "(1813), and Heidegger's" Anaximander Kazuya Words (1946). From the general tendency to explain scientists generally regarded translation as explained in a special case, although sometimes is a good or even best illustrate the understanding and interpretation of the nature of a special case. Gadamer definitely been the impact of such a tendency. For him, all translations are explained.
  (1) explain the nature of the translation are reflected in both subject to the common hermeneutic situation in Gadamer, hermeneutics no doubt have to deal with the problem of translation. If we recall to explain the origin to learn the name, we are very aware of this we have to deal with a language event processing in one language to another language translation, and thus have to deal with the relationship between the two languages. "What he called the" translation ", apparently only refers to" interlingual translation. Gadamer But interlingual translation between the two languages, "explained interlingual" behavior, viewed as explained a special case, and within the same language, "explained intralingual" and nothing essential difference between the two interpretations are subject to the interpretation of the situation of the restrictions described hermeneutics. In this sense, every a translation, and even the so-called literal translation is an interpretation. "All translation is already explained, we can even say that The translation always explain the process, explain the process is carried out by the translation of the first to give his words. "Simply put," explains "contains" intralingual explained "and" interlingual interpretation of two forms, any translation, as "interlingual explained", are "explained" However, "translation" is " explained "the best example, whether in philosophical hermeneutics" or "practical philosophy" are. "translation process essentially contains all the secrets of the human understanding of the world and social interaction. The translation implied expected, pre-grasp the significance, and so pre-grasp was established three inseparable understand unified whole. "It is in the case of mutual understanding hindered or become difficult, we clearly realize that all understand the conditions under which, therefore, translation (it usually is hampered and difficult) the best description of the person hermeneutic situation has revealed all the secrets of the human understanding of the world and social interaction. translator (interpreter) based on traditional stereotypes, the effect of history on the "text" (the world is a "text") to understand the process, translator own significance expect imposed on where and continuous feedback to modify their own understanding of the process, but also the translator constantly forcing text to tell the truth about itself.   (2) explain the nature of the translation is also reflected in the translation is also a focus of activities. Any translation can not be completely reproduction of the original all significant factors. On one hand, some parts of the original may be vague, the translator is obviously not something he himself is unclear be retained; On the other hand, the differences between the two languages has also decided to fully reproduce the impossibility . "If we would like to highlight a very important nature, then we only have to let this same original nature is not apparent or completely suppressed to achieve from the original translation. This behavior happens is that we called to explain behavior as all the explanations, the translation is also a focused activities Whoever translated, whoever must be focused activities. "focused, (language) interpretation and (interlingual) translation have in common behavior. This is not so much a choice of interpreter and translator, as it is also subject to the provisions of the hermeneutic situation. Derrida and Gadamer's views on the issue of "translation" and "explain" the relationship, just the opposite. Derrida, "explain" or "intralingual translation", it is a special case of "translation", any "interpretation", as in the phrase "intralingual translation", are "translated" (this view by Roman Jacobsen impact). Not only the difference between the different language is so large, that the meaning of the source language can not be reproduced in the target language, and even the same language, with the time to catch postponed its significance will change dramatically, so that it is hard to then change the language and the original language is known as a common language. Derrida use translation to replace the concept to explain the concept, is to emphasize the language "untranslatable" - not only untranslatability between different languages, and of the "same language" untranslatability. Three dialogue: the main Q dialectics dialectics is a method to reveal the truth. "The term 'dialectic' is from the Greek, meaning 'talk' or 'speech'." Socratic dialectics is usually considered to be a model of the ancient Greek dialectics. When others say an insight, Socrates pretend confusion, forcing the other to explain, and then from the other interpretation leads to contradictions, to make it fall into embarrassment or deny just spoken. In this way, the contradictions are overcome, the truth itself constantly apparent. Gadamer Socrates, Plato's dialectics showing unusual interest: "As a student of Plato, I particularly like about Socrates argue with the wise men, with his limited despair description of "Truth and Method" that "truth" is that the ancient Greek meaning "truth" is a "show", or words of Heidegger "Covering" Uncovering state of existence as beings.
  [1] H-G,伽达默尔,《真理与方法》.M]上海译文出版社,2004:59.
  [2] H-G,伽达默尔,《美学与解释学》.[M]上海远东出版社,2003:136.
  (Work unit : Harbin University of Com-
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