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  全员防疫 功课在前
  据马来西亚卫生部疾控司高级首席助理主任萨尔米亚·巴哈鲁丁(Salmiah Baharudin)介绍,马来西亚政府利用一款移动应用程序MySejahtera(马来语“我的繁荣”之意)来协助控制国内的新冠肺炎疫情。MySejahtera不仅能追踪确诊患者的密切接触者,通过各场所提供的二维码记录人们的行踪,还能定位最近能够进行新冠肺炎筛查、治疗的医院和诊所。据悉,截至2020年8月16日,共有1510万人注册了该程序。而类似的应用程序也在中国、新加坡、泰国等国家得到广泛应用。
  而在柬埔寨菩萨省卫生厅副厅长贴·索皮(Tek Sopheap)看来,再好的防疫手段都离不开公众的遵照与自律。他说:“我们需要让公众更好地了解新冠肺炎疫情的风险,倡导他们注意个人卫生、正确佩戴口罩、避免人群聚集。这些是‘治疗’之外的公共健康建设,我们可以通过大众媒体、社交媒体、宣传资料等对大家进行教育。”
  而通过总结评估,各国的防疫策略也在升级。“我们会灵活调整管理系统,以确保在疫情不断变化的形势中,制定出一个有效的疾病防控策略。”泰国卫生部疾病控制司传染病预防控制处处长索蓬·艾西里索沃恩(Sopon Iamsirithaworn)说。
  “我们通过和一些佛教团体合作,为民众提供健康教育、安全葬礼、庆祝仪式等方面的咨询服务;为社区提供培训、宣传材料以及志愿者支持;并将在社区居家隔离的管理流程进行规范化。”老挝卫生部传染病控制司司长拉塔纳赛·菲索万(Rattanaxay Phetsouvanh)说,“老挝将继续通过提升政府服务,建立具有韧性和复原力的社区,和将社区功能制度化的举措,来加强社区在疫情防控中的积极作用。”   盡管不同的抗疫经验都要结合自身实际才有价值,但遇到过较大困难的人们,或许都有过这样的经历与感受——我们查问别人的成功经验,不仅是希望寻求一个攻坚克难的良方,更是希望从中寻一缕茫然无助的慰藉,一线暗夜里的曙光,一份终将迎来胜利的希望。而这,或许也是我们在疫情依旧不甚明朗的今天,分享抗疫经验的意义所在。
  ·联系编辑:[email protected]
  Sharing Experience and Spreading Hope to Jointly Fight Against the Epidemic!
  Written by Li Min / Translated by Chen Zhiying
  From unpreparedness during the outbreak at the beginning to the emergency aid of anti-epidemic materials and personnel, and now the wide application of nucleic acid tests and the orderly inoculation of vaccines, China as well as many countries have gradually formed their own anti-epidemic mechanism and accumulated rich experience in the year fighting against the epidemic. For people from China and ASEAN countries who live closely, similar living habits and communities make the anti-epidemic experience of both sides more valuable for mutual sharing and reference.
  Under the 17th China-ASEAN Expo, many valuable anti-epidemic experiences can be further exchanged and shared between China and ASEAN countries. Although these experiences can not eradicate the virus immediately, they may bring courage and hope to the people who are still in dire straits.
  Making preparations for the fight against the epidemic
  There is a proverb in English called “prevention is better than cure”. For the epidemic, it is obviously more important to pay attention to preventing and blocking the source of infection. At present, in many countries, basic epidemic prevention and control measures have been normalized. These measures have been integrated into people’s daily life, and even changed their living habits.
  According to Salmiah Baharudin, Senior Assistant Director of the Disease Control Division of the Ministry of Health of Malaysia, Malaysian government used the app MySejahtera (which means “prosperity” in Malay) to control the epidemic. It not only can track close contacts of confirmed cases and people’s whereabouts through QR codes people showed in different locations, but also is able to locate the closest hospitals and clinics that can screen and treat patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. It is reported that as of August 16, 2020, 15.1 million people have registered for the app. Similar applications are also widely used in China, Singapore, Thailand, and other countries.
  In the view of Tek Sopheap, Deputy Director of the Department of Health of Cambodia’s Bodhisattva Province, any good measure of epidemic prevention can not be separated from people’s compliance and self-discipline. “We need to let people understand the risk of the COVID-19. Also, personal hygiene, wearing masks properly, and avoiding crowd aggregation should be emphasized through mass media, social media, publicity materials, etc., since these are important measures to promote public health.   “Epidemic prevention and control is not only the responsibility of the party, the government, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, but also the duty of enterprises and every one of us. It requires everyone to participate in the feedback work of the epidemic and cultivate good living habits,” said Zhao Shiwen, Deputy Director of Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Yunnan Province, China.
  In addition to enhancing individual awareness of epidemic prevention, countries all over the world also need to take measures to improve domestic epidemic prevention capacity, such as formulating emergency plans, strengthening the training and practice of anti-epidemic personnel, and promoting vaccination.
  However, under the severe situation of the global epidemic, “preventing the COVID-19 from entering a region” has also become the focus of epidemic prevention and control around the globe. For entry, China and most ASEAN countries have taken measures, including but not limited to: greatly reducing international flights, submitting nucleic acid test reports, PCR and other test certificates, isolating, and receiving medical observation after entry.
  “With the further discovery of the spread caused by the pollution of goods, especially frozen seafood, we have also strengthened the sampling and testing of outer packaging, containers, and transportation of imported goods, to prevent the COVID-19 from entering,” said Feng Zijian, Deputy Director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
  Although many countries have strengthened the prevention and control of the epidemic at home and abroad, epidemic of different scales is still breaking out everywhere, testing the emergency response capacity of countries around the world. When the raging fire of the epidemic is ignited, how can it be quickly and accurately put out?
  Three measures fighting the epidemic
  “At present, there are mainly two mechanisms for the detection of epidemic. One is that clinical medical institutions timely diagnose and find the infected patients and asymptomatic-infected patients when they go to the doctor. The second is to screen high-risk groups through regular nucleic acid tests,” said Feng Zijian. And in response to sporadic outbreaks, China’s intervention measures and countermeasures mainly include search, management, nucleic acid tests, and screening.
  “When the confirmed case is found, we immediately start investigating his tracks and searching other close contacts. During the epidemic, the full use of big data has continuously improved the detection probability of close contacts. Then, we will manage the community based on risk assessment, for example, block high-risk communities and carry out large-scale nucleic acid tests and screening for medium and high-risk communities. Sometimes the scope of nucleic acid tests and screening is a city, and sometimes it only targets high-risk groups and communities. This is mainly based on the judgment of the authority on the spread scope of the epidemic,” said Feng Zijian.   Although large-scale nucleic acid tests and screening in the short term is difficult to work, Feng Zijian pointed out that this can quickly find potential infected persons and block the transmission chain of the virus in time.
  With the publication of confirmed cases, the physical and mental health of patients also need to be concerned. “Once a confirmed case is found out in the community. The patient and his family may be prejudiced and discriminated against. This is a social stigma, so we should protect their reputation and health,” said Tek Sopheap.
  Overcoming difficulties makes us stronger
  Since the discovery of the first case of the virus mutation in the UK, we know that we will still face many unknown challenges in the fight against the epidemic. However, throughout human history, the fight and confrontation between human beings and viruses have never stopped. It is through repeated challenges that human beings constantly sum up experience and upgrade their capabilities, thus making the difficulties that can not defeat us become the cornerstone for us to become stronger.
  During the epidemic, serum antibody detection and whole-genome sequencing technology played a key role. According to Feng Zijian, by using these technologies, researchers can trace the transmission chain of confirmed cases and provide technical support for us to improve epidemic prevention measures.
  “I think the recovery phase after the emergency response is also important. After dealing with every case, we should summarize and evaluate personnel performance, material supplement, and ability improvement,” said Zhao Shiwen. And according to his view, through practice, we can have an estimate of the consumption cycle of epidemic prevention materials, and make adequate preparations for  front-line workers.
  Through summary and evaluation,  epidemic prevention strategies of countries around the world are also upgrading. “We will flexibly adjust the management system to ensure an effective disease prevention and control strategy in the changing situation of the epidemic,” said Sopon Iamsirithaworn, Director of the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand.
  At present, many countries regard community participation as an important strategy of epidemic prevention management. In fact, the community has played an increasingly important role in disease prevention, outbreak, and disposal.
  “Through cooperation with some Buddhist groups, we provide health education, safe funerals, celebrations, and other consulting services for the public, offer training, publicity materials, and volunteer support to the community, and standardize the management process of home isolation in the community,” said Rattanaxay Phetsouvanh, Director of the Department of Communicable Disease Control of the Ministry of Health of Laos. He also added: “Laos will continue to strengthen the positive role of communities in epidemic prevention and control by improving government services, building resilient communities, and institutionalizing community functions.”
  Although anti-epidemic experiences are valuable only when they are combined with their own reality, people who have encountered greater difficulties may have such feelings: When we ask about others’ successful experiences, we not only hope to find a good way to overcome difficulties, but also hope to seek comfort and find a ray of dawn in the dark. Perhaps this is also the significance of sharing our experience in the fight against the epidemic today when the situation is still unclear.
尽管中国与东盟地区的经济在逐渐复苏,甚至在贸易合作方面保持着逆势上扬、稳步前行的势头,但每日仍在增长的确诊病例、疑似病例人数,不断新添的防疫措施指令等,仍让人们意识到:口罩还未能摘下,抗击疫情依然会是未来一段时间内社会发展的大背景。  当前,以新冠肺炎疫情为主的传染病防控仍是中国与东盟国家的重要任务,而双方在公共卫生健康领域开展的诸多合作,正是这份“考卷”得以被打上高分的诀窍。中国—东盟博览会(以
从中国的莫高窟到柬埔寨的吴哥窟,从中国的昆曲到泰国的孔剧,中国与东盟国家山水相依,文化共通,拥有诸多的文化遗产。这份宝贵的历史财富是各民族智慧的结晶,是人类的精神家园,具有深远而重要的意义。而如何推进文化遗产的保护、传承与旅游开发始终是双边需共同聚焦的问题。  近期,第15届中国—东盟文化论坛在广西桂林市圆满落幕。来自中国、东盟等国家和地区的代表,以及中国各省市专家、学者等国内外嘉宾出席论坛,围绕
As night falls, Nanning, a metropolis situated on the banks of the Yong River -- the chief southern tributary of the Xi River, begins to reveal her true colours. With lights brilliantly illuminated ev
“中国具有实际经验和经济影响力,能极大影响‘一带一路’沿线国家的数十亿生命。”在谈及中国“一带一路”倡议如何影响世界卫生健康领域发展时,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞曾如此表示。在短短的十余年时间里,中国对全球卫生治理的参与经历了从融入者到支持者再到倡导者的多重角色转换,为了能在其中更好地彰显中国担当、贡献中国力量,“健康丝绸之路”的提出顺理成章。  近年来,加强卫生健康合作是中国—东盟多领域合作中的一
“当前全球已进入以数字化、网络化、智能化为特征的数字经济时代。”在第17届中国—东盟博览会框架下举行的中国—东盟5G网络建设与应用论坛上,中国工业和信息化部副部长刘烈宏说道。而以5G为代表的新型基础设施,正是推动数字经济发展的新引擎。在本次论坛上,我们不仅能看到5G技术本身的巨大发展潜力,也能看到中国—东盟对发展5G技术的期待及已经取得的合作成果。  5G赋能千行百业,造就数字经济新引擎  中国工
在新冠疫情全球肆虐、世界经济遭受重创的当下,“数字丝路”为中国—东盟经济增长提供了新动力。在2020年“中国—东盟数字经济合作年”中,数字产业合作更是成为备受瞩目的焦点。  作为第17届中国—东盟博览会框架下的重要论坛之一,2020中国—东盟信息港数字丝路产业合作论坛如约而至。中国与东盟国家数字经济主管部门官员、知名企业家、权威专家“云相聚”广西南宁,共同探讨中国—东盟如何在数字经济领域深度合作、
中国和东盟国家有着发展数字经济的广泛需求和巨大潜力,而中国—东盟信息港正是处在数字经济时代浪潮下,按照国家“一带一路”倡议总体布局要求,由中国和东盟各国共同建设,共筑“数字丝绸之路”的重要平台。  2020年,作为第17届中国—东盟博览会框架下的重要活动,第4届中国—东盟信息港论坛于11月圆满举行。论坛以“数联东盟 智创未来”为主题,旨在推进中国与东盟的“数字丝绸之路”建设。往届中国—东盟信息港论
曾经,出口的小家电、日用百货需要境外客商到广东、浙江等地实地看样采购,报关手续不易;如今,通过网络下单,直邮跨境到达,方便快捷。崇左市获批跨境电子商务综合试验区后,推动传统外贸企业与跨境电商结合,大力发展外贸新业态,培育外贸新增长点。  受2020年新冠肺炎疫情影响,各片区外贸发展面临的不确定性增多,挑战和压力显著增大,但行走在中国(广西)自由贸易试验区崇左片区(以下简称崇左片区),这个“开放通道
栽好梧桐树,引来金凤栖。近年来,广西以推动“央企入桂”“民企入桂”“湾企入桂”(即“三企入桂”)行动为抓手,强主体、促投资,知名企业纷至沓来,重大项目加快建设,其中“民企入桂”成就引人注目。  2020年12月,由全国工商联与广西壮族自治区人民政府共同举办的,全国知名民营企业助推“建设壮美广西共圆复兴梦想”大会(以下简称“民企入桂”大会)在广西南宁举办,将“三企入桂”行动推向了新高潮。会上,各地民
在中国,有一句话说“经济要发展,电力要先行”。从青山碧岭到万家灯火,从工地厂房到高堂大厦,电力与人们的生产生活息息相关,也是不少国家发展亟待解决的能源问题。电力合作是中国—东盟多领域合作中的明星领域,多年来,双方立足于“一带一路”倡议和国家能源安全战略,不断深化中国—东盟电力领域合作,形成了能源资源渠道宽、互联互通能力强的电力合作新格局。  2020年11月27日,第17届中国—东盟博览会框架下的