20 0 0年 ,铁道部决定在兰新线首次全面提速 ,并将之看成为拉动西部经济增长的“火车头”。戚墅堰机车车辆厂提供的 40台东风11型机车将是此次提速的主力车型。在千禧之年 ,东风11型机车将从中国西北重要城市之一兰州出发 ,沿丝绸古道 ,蜿蜒西进 ,跨过黄河 ,经河西走廊 ,穿过万
In 2020, the Ministry of Railways decided to speed up for the first time on the Lan-Xin Line and see it as a “locomotive” driving the economic growth in the western region. Qishuyan locomotive and rolling stock plant provides 40 Dongfeng 11 locomotive will be the main speed-raising models. In the new millennium, Dongfeng 11 locomotive will depart from Lanzhou, one of the important cities in Northwest China, winds along the ancient Silk Road, crosses the Yellow River, passes through the Hexi Corridor,