10个月宝宝的活力,有时候会让你觉得像是遭遇了一场小型的龙卷风。运动能力 “宝宝现在站得可稳了!” 10个月的宝宝不仅能更稳地自己站立,还可能会做出更像样的走步的尝试。 “他怎么像个小杂技演员似的,一手扶家具,一手从地上捡玩具,那姿势我都做不出来!” 这个月龄的宝宝,在大人的扶助下已经能顺利地蹲下起来了,有时候,他也会自己扶着东西尝试这个动作、因此,家具,爸爸妈妈的腿,都可能成为他的支撑物。心理发展 “以前宝宝拿什么都是大把攥着,看,他现在用两个小手指头能轻松地捏住爆米花。” 10个月的宝宝手指的灵活性已经很强了,他能很准确地对捏手指。因此,爸爸妈妈一定要注意,一些细小的,危险的物品和食物,如花生、瓜子等,放置得离宝宝远一些。
The vitality of a baby for 10 months can sometimes make you feel like having a small tornado. Athletic ability “Your baby is now steady!” The 10-month-old baby not only stands still more firmly, but may also try to make a more decent move. “How did he behave like a little acrobats, hand furniture, hand picking up toys from the ground, I can not do that position! ” This month-old baby, with the help of adults has been able to successfully squat up And sometimes, he will also try to hold this stuff on his own, therefore, furniture, father and mother’s legs, may become his support. Psychological Development “Before, the baby clutched everything, and now he can pinch the popcorn easily with two little fingers.” The ten-month-old baby’s fingers are already very flexible Very precise pinch fingers. Therefore, parents must pay attention to some small, dangerous items and food, such as peanuts, melon seeds, etc., placed away from the baby.