目的调查我院糖皮质激素类药物的应用状况,分析评价其用药合理性。方法回顾性调查我院2011年1月—3月使用糖皮质激素的住院患者病历资料267份进行统计分析。结果我院常见的糖皮质激素临床用途共9种,其中频率最高的为麻醉辅助用药,占调查病例数的57.30%;常用的糖皮质激素种类共8种,其中使用最多的为地塞米松注射液;疗程均在3月以内,其中<5 d的短疗程给药占77.53%;主要与阿司匹林、吲哚美辛、呋塞米、卡马西平、利福平存在配伍问题。结论我院糖皮质激素使用主要存在无指征用药、剂量疗程不规范、不良反应监测不及时等问题,须进一步加强监管。
Objective To investigate the application of glucocorticoid drugs in our hospital, analyze and evaluate the rationality of its use. Methods A retrospective survey of 267 inpatients with glucocorticoid in January-March 2011 in our hospital was conducted for statistical analysis. Results The common clinical use of glucocorticoids in our hospital a total of 9 kinds, of which the highest frequency of anesthesia adjuvant medication, accounting for 57.30% of the number of cases investigated; commonly used glucocorticoid species in a total of 8 kinds, of which the most used for dexamethasone injection Liquid; treatment within 3 months, of which <5 d short course of treatment accounted for 77.53%; mainly with aspirin, indomethacin, furosemide, carbamazepine, rifampin compatibility problems. Conclusion The main use of corticosteroids in our hospital there is no indication medication, dose regimen is not standardized, adverse reaction monitoring is not timely and other issues need to be further strengthened supervision.