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2006年8月11-13日,2006香港高级视听展如期在香港湾仔会议展览中心举行。本刊记者赴港观摩了此次展会。从此届展会上我们看到,香港地区影音市场开始了新一轮的复苏。由于香港地区特殊的地理位置,开放的市场环境,影音市场多年的培养与积累,加上领先于内地的收入水平,此届展会不仅高端新品牌、新产品层出不穷,五光十色得让人目不暇接,观众也十分踊跃与投入,各大展房常常人满为患,水泄不通。也由此看出,影音市场并不会衰落,音响与影院文化将长久为人们所喜好。推而广之,近年中国大陆的市场低迷也将不会持久。可以看出,观众最为关注的通常是家庭影院演示,大画面的投影、高清节目的播放、顶级影院的配置与精彩演示让观众身临其境,流连忘返。而传统Hi-Fi则以产品的造型豪华、风格及个性的张扬继续满足着消费者追求极致的心理。由于新一代视频的蓝光、HD DVD碟机及1080p投影机面市不久,上市的新产品并不太多,有待进一步市场孕育。本应成为本年度视听展上焦点内容的这一主角并未如同以往几届那样形成大规模的视频展示区,但确仍是此展中的重中之重,观众关注度极高。可以相信,它们必将成为随后一段时间的热点。家庭影院将走向高端,真正高品质的影音系统将是影音市场的主流,源源不断的新技术、新产品将令我们这个影音时代充满朝气,这是此届展会给我们所带来的启示。 August 11-13, 2006, Hong Kong 2006 Advanced Audiovisual Exhibition 2006 scheduled to be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Wan Chai. Our reporter went to Hong Kong to observe the exhibition. From this session of the exhibition, we saw that the Hong Kong region’s video market started a new round of recovery. Due to the special geographic location, open market environment, years of training and accumulation in the AV market in Hong Kong, and the income level ahead of the Mainland, the show not only boasts new high-end brands and new products, but also dazzles the audience. Very enthusiastic and input, the major exhibitions are often overcrowded, packed. It also shows that video and audio markets will not decline, audio and theater culture will long be people’s favorite. By extension, the market downturn in mainland China in recent years will not last long. As can be seen, the audience is most concerned about is the home theater presentation, projection of large screen, high definition broadcast, top theater configuration and wonderful demo for the audience immersive, linger. While the traditional Hi-Fi is the product modeling luxury, style and personality to continue to meet the pursuit of the ultimate consumer psychology. Due to the new generation of video Blu-ray, HD DVD disc player and 1080p projector market soon, the listing of new products is not too much to be further market gestation. This protagonist, which should be the focus of this year’s audiovisual exhibition, has not formed a large-scale video exhibition area as it has done in previous sessions. However, it is still the top priority in this exhibition with a high degree of public attention. Believe, they will surely become a hot spot for some time to come. Home theater will go to the high end, the real high-quality audio-visual system will be the mainstream video market, a steady stream of new technologies and new products will make this vibrant era of our audio and video, this is the show brought us inspiration.
人小鬼大,表面上是在贬低人,实际上却有赞扬人的暗含意思。今天,我要把它用在令人赞叹的小家伙身上——Spendor S3/5扬声器。对于一个平和的人来说,能聆听Spendor S3/5实在是件