1.Youhavetherighttobeyou-thewayyouare.Thewayyouwanttobe. You have the right to be yourself - in your own way. What do you want to do? 2.Youhavetherighttogrow, tochange, tostrive.Toreachforanygoal. You have the right to grow, change, and struggle to achieve any of your goals. 3.Youhavetherighttoprivacy-inmarriage,family,oranyrelationship.Therighttokeepapartofyourlifesecret,nomatterhowtrivialorimportant,merelybecauseyouwantittobethatway. You have the right to privacy - in marriage, family or in any other relationship. You have the right to retain the privacy of part of your life, no matter how small and important, just because you want it to be.