A theoretical model of magnetic flocculation of weak magnetic minerals was proposed. The demarcation of magnetic flocculation field strength was deduced for the first time and the relationship between particle size, magnetic susceptibility and other factors that characterize mineral suspensions was tested. The stability coefficients and flocculation velocities calculated by the model show that as long as the total energy of the particle interaction is zero, the magnetic flocculation begins and the flocculation time is quite short. In the latter case, the magnetic field strength limit (especially for large particles) increases. However, for all studied mineral systems (hematite, siderite and goethite), the magnetic induction of flocculation is in the range of commercially available magnetic field strengths (0.1-3T) and for coarse and low magnetic particles Large value, fine and high magnetic particles take small value. An overview of industrial applications of magnetic flocculation in iron ore processing is presented.