把握课程变化实质 适时跟进教学策略——“图形与几何”教学内容变化及其对教学的影响

来源 :小学数学教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhaoxin1987
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“图形与几何”是义务教育数学课程内容的四个领域之一,它在小学数学中占有十分重要的地位。《数学课程标准(2011年版)》颁布后,“图形与几何”这一知识领域的课程理念、目标、内容和教材的编排结构、教学节奏等不同程度地发生了变化。面对课程、教材的变化,教师们遇到了困难和挑战,需要调整与适应,“图形与 ”Graphics and Geometry “ is one of the four areas of compulsory education math course content, which plays a very important role in elementary mathematics. After the promulgation of ”Mathematical Curriculum Standard (2011 Edition)“, the concept, target, content, teaching material structure and teaching rhythm of ”Graphics and Geometry" have changed in varying degrees. In the face of the changes in curriculum and teaching materials, teachers encounter difficulties and challenges, which need to be adjusted and adapted.