▲第一台制造的内燃机 1901年(光绪27年)左右,广州钧和安机器厂制造的煤气机,是中国制造的第一台内燃机。▲第一辆汽车姓 1902年(光绪28年),进口的美国Duryea牌汽车,给慈禧太后乘坐。现仍存于颐和园。▲第一辆拖拉机是
▲ The First Internal Combustion Engine In 1901 (Guangxu 27), the gas engine manufactured by Guangzhou He’an Machinery Factory was the first internal combustion engine manufactured in China. ▲ The name of the first car In 1902 (28 years of Guangxu), the imported American Duryea brand car was taken to Empress Dowager Cixi. It is still in the Summer Palace. ▲ The first tractor is