This paper summarizes our use of existing vacuum smelting equipment, originality using low-cost vacuum ferrochrome as raw material, the use of vacuum induction - electron beam bombardment smelting method and the successful use of vacuum induction - vacuum consumable electrode weight Melting, smelting high-quality industrial scale 000Cr26Mo, 000Cr26MoNb, 000Cr28Mo4,000Cr28Mo4Ni2,000Cr28Mo2 and 000Cr30Mo2 ultra-pure high-chromium iron ferritic stainless steel smelting process, thermal processing and solve the embrittlement and so on. It is described that the vacuum induction - electron beam bombardment smelting process, the secondary electron beam remelting can be changed to a e-beam remelting. With the above-mentioned steel processed into various profiles, the test or practical application, the effect is good.