近海天然资源日益广泛的开发和利用,海洋污染等涉及到一系列的海洋学问题,致使近年来不少海洋化学家已开始将注意力从开阔的大洋海区转向沿海近岸海区及河口滨海区。 珠江口是我国的一大河流,其河口宽阔,河水的径流量大,然而,珠江口的水化学问题至今尚未进行过系统的研究。因此,对珠江口的一些水化学的基本问题——包括水的化学组成、水的物理化学性质以及在水中发生的许多化学过程及其相互关系开展研究,以了解其水化学状况,具有一定的意义。 本文就对1980年4月从珠江口采集的水样所进行的分析,初步探讨了该河口区的氯度、盐度、电导及碱度的状况及其相互关系,并将以此为起点,对珠江口的水化学问题开展进一步研究。
The extensive exploitation and utilization of natural resources in the coastal areas and the marine pollution involve a series of problems in oceanography. In recent years, many marine chemists have begun to shift their attention from the open ocean to the coastal coastal areas and estuarine coastal areas. The Pearl River Mouth is a large river in our country. Its mouth is wide and its runoff is large. However, the water chemistry in the Pearl River Mouth has not been studied systematically yet. Therefore, some basic problems of hydrochemistry in the Pearl River estuary, including the chemical composition of water, the physico-chemical properties of water, and the many chemical processes occurring in water, and their interrelationship are studied to understand their hydrochemical conditions and have certain significance. Based on the analysis of the water samples collected from the Pearl River Mouth in April 1980, this paper initially discussed the status of chlorinity, salinity, conductivity and alkalinity in the estuarine region and their correlations. Based on this, The Pearl River estuary water chemistry to carry out further research.