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广西贵港市邮电局党委结合目前学习、传达自治区党委关于“开展干部制度改革和机关作风整顿的决定”精神的同时,又组织党员干部掀起《党风廉政法律法规教育》的热潮,通过这次学习,开展一次珍惜个人前途、珍惜幸福家庭、珍惜人身自由、珍惜邮电信誉的专题讨论。一是边学习边联系实际进行自我检查,明确遵章守法的重要性,自觉同违纪的现象和行为作斗争,做遵纪守法的带头人。二是开好党员干部会,开展“四个珍惜”的讨论,通过学习讨论看到自己存在的问题,明确今后的努力方向,增强辨别是非能力和拒腐防变能力。三是明确规定,严格要求,严格管理,严格监督。按照自重、自省、自警、自励的要求,对照检查,自觉做好本职工作。四是学习中要结合本单位的实际、结合“三严”、“四自”的要求,敢 Guangxi Guigang Municipal Bureau of Posts and Telecommunications combined with the current study and convey the spirit of the party committee of autonomous region on “carrying out the cadre system reform and organ style rectification decision” spirit, at the same time, organize party members and cadres set off a “party conduct clean government laws and regulations education” boom, through this study, Carry out a treasure of personal future, cherish the happy family, cherish the personal freedom, treasured the credibility of post and telecommunications seminars. First, while learning to contact with the actual self-examination, a clear compliance with the law and the importance of consciously with discipline violations and the fight against law-abiding leaders. The second is to open the party members and cadres meeting, carry out the “four cherish” discussion, through the study and discussion to see their own problems, clear the direction of future efforts to enhance the ability to distinguish between non-ability and anti-corruption capabilities. Three is a clear rule, strict requirements, strict management, strict supervision. In accordance with the self-respect, self-examination, since the police, self-motivation requirements, control inspection, consciously do their jobs. Fourth, learning should be combined with the actual unit, with “three strict”, “four since” requirements, dare
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