(一)文物建筑的价值欧洲人认识文物建筑的多方面价值。我建议归纳为以下三方面: (1)情感价值:新奇感;认同作用;历史延续感;象征性;宗教崇拜。 (2)文化价值:文献的;历史的;考古的;审美的;建筑的;人类学的;景观与生态的:科学的和技术的。 (3)使用价值:功能的;经济的;社会的;政治的。 (二)为什么要由国家来负责保护文物建筑 1984年在罗斯托克——德累斯顿召开的ICQMOS全体大会上,帕尔森博士(Dr.Roland Palson,瑞典国家文物总局局长)给这个问题作了很好的说明。他说: (1)保护文化遗产的基本要求是和平与国际合作; (2)文物建筑与历史地段有巩固民族和个人的文化认同性的重要
(A) The value of cultural relics The Europeans understand the multi-faceted value of heritage buildings. I propose to sum up the following three aspects: (1) Emotional value: novelty; recognition; historical continuity; symbolic; religious worship. (2) Cultural values: literature; historical; archaeological; aesthetic; architectural; anthropological; landscape and ecological: scientific and technological. (3) Use value: functional; economic; social; political. (b) Why the State is responsible for the protection of cultural relics buildings. At the ICQMOS plenary session in Dresden, Rostock, in 1984, Dr. Roland Palson (Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of Sweden) made this question. Very good description. He said: (1) The basic requirements for the protection of cultural heritage are peace and international cooperation; (2) Cultural relics and historical sites have important cultural and cultural identity