In the summer of 1942, a small group of Japanese invaders captured the Wulian county town in Yimeng Mountain. The squad leader was called Ichiro Akino. He was a bloodless butcher who murdered and set foot on fire all day. Wulian hate the people he gave him a nickname “Wolf.” Ichiro Akino hobby hunting. One day early in the morning, he took a few Japanese soldiers and several puppet traitors, riding several motorcycles, out of Wulian County, and went to the woods outside to play pheasants. He walked halfway and suddenly heard the roadside biography To a child’s song: riding a yacht, carrying a gun, Wulian came a big wolf ... ... Akino Akino hear the song, called parking, and then asked a traitor: “What’s his singing? ”Traitor pleasing to say: “ He is cursing it! ”“ Curse is who? ”“ Curse is Taijun you ... ”