1.适用范围本标准所规定的是钢的氮化层表面硬度的测定方法。2.术语意义本标准中有关表面硬度之类的术语含义如下: (1) 维氏表面硬度—是指从表面测定氮化层的维氏硬度。(2) 努氏表面硬度—是指从表面测定氮化层的努氏硬度。
1 Scope This standard specifies the method of determination of the surface hardness of steel nitride layer. 2. Terms and Definitions The meanings of terms related to surface hardness in this standard are as follows: (1) Vickers surface hardness - means the Vickers hardness of the nitride layer measured from the surface. (2) Knud’s Surface Hardness-The Knoop hardness of the nitrided layer is measured from the surface.