二、市场需求的变化,促进企业产品的取向。1993年,集团决定引进生产专用粉的设备和技术,以满足市场对专用粉的需求。经过考察论证,引进了世界制粉工艺最为先进的德国阿尔本公司的小麦粉蛋白分离技术和设备。设备安装投产后,年产专用粉10万吨,每年可新增产值862.2万元,利税222万元。 三、开发科技含量高的新产品,走食品深加工之路,是粮办企业的努力方
Second, changes in market demand, promote the orientation of corporate products. In 1993, the Group decided to introduce equipment and technologies for the production of special powders to meet the market demand for specialty powders. After inspection and demonstration, the world’s most advanced milling technology Alpen company’s wheat flour protein separation technology and equipment were introduced. After the equipment is installed and put into production, it will produce 100,000 tons of special powder every year. The annual output value will be 8.622 million yuan, and the profit and tax will be 222 million yuan. Third, the development of high-tech new products, take the road of deep processing of food, is the food company’s efforts