Effect of the Small Reaustenized Grains on the Mechanical Properties of a HSLA Steel

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gmglass
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Grain refinement improves not only strength but also toughness.Small reaustenized grains were discovered to form along the grain boundaries and lath boundaries in an as rolled high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel when heated to double phase region.The number and size of the small reaustenized grains were revealed to depend mainly on temperature in the range of 700 to 760℃.These small reaustenized grains were deduced to form by consuming precipitates.The mechanical property tests showed that they resulted in slight changes to tensile properties.However,the sample heated at 740℃ produced a peak Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact energy of 248J when tested at-30℃.Fractography showed that the facture surface of the 740℃ heated impact sample exhibited the smallest brittle zone away from the notch root and a large dimple zone lay ahead of the notch tip,which demonstrated the highest toughness. Grain refinement improves not only strength but also toughness.Small reaustenized grains were discovered to form along the grain boundaries and lath boundaries in an as rolled high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel when heated to double phase regions. Number and size of the small reaustenized grains were revealed to depend mainly on temperature in the range of 700 to 760 ° C. These small property of the precipitated forms were showed due to slight changes to tensile properties.However, the sample heated at 740 ℃ produced a peak Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact energy of 248J when tested at -30 ℃ .Fractography showed that the facture surface of the 740 ℃ heated impact sample showed the smallest brittle zone away from the notch root and a large dimple zone lay ahead of the notch tip, which demonstrated the highest toughness.
摘 要:数学在中职教育中是一门非常重要的学科,它与很多学科相联系。近年中职教育虽然蓬勃发展,但中职数学课堂却仍面临非常尴尬的现状。对此,对中职数学课堂所处的现状展开分析,并对改变中职数学课堂的消极现状进行了一些思考。  关键词:中职教育;数学课堂;教学设计;整理  一、中职数学课堂所处的现状  1.学生基础薄弱,学习兴趣淡薄  进入中职的学生,大多都是初中学习成绩较差,知识技能欠缺的学生,因无法进
晚清著名商人胡雪岩不仅善于经商,在识人方面也独有一套。早年,胡雪岩打算派人去湖州做主管,看中一个名叫陈世龙的伙计。但有人推荐一个名叫李郁的主管,说他做过多笔买卖,从未失手。胡雪岩拿不定主意,便决定出题考查。  一天,胡雪岩把两个锁上的柜子分别放在两间房内,然后吩咐陈世龙和李郁各自打开一个,先打开的获胜。他俩立刻开始绞尽脑汁想办法。李郁很快打开了柜子,陈世龙则花了很长时间。其他人都认定李郁获胜,胡雪