CAEXPO’s Brand Influence Continues to Improve

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  CAEXPO, which is an international gathering jointly held by China and ASEAN member states, has significantly improved its brand influence with each passing day from “Golden Decade” to “Diamond Decade”. In particular, the 13th CAEXPO was highly recognized by not only ASEAN countries but also countries along the routes of the China-led Belt and Road because of the high-profile opening ceremony, a variety of forums and exhibitors, the scope of its impact, etc.
  Cooperation and mutual benefit
  “CAEXPO is not only a platform aimed at both gathering consensus and promoting development, mutual benefit and win-win outcome, but also it is a vital gateway to deepen cooperation and open up towards the outside world,” said Zhong Shan, China’s International Trade Representative and Vice Minister of Commerce of the P.R.C., who spoke highly of the 13th CAEXPO themed “Jointly Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and an Even Closer China-ASEAN Community of Common Destiny”. Over the past 13 years, the popularity of CAEXPO has been progressively increasing, responding to the strongest call for cooperation and mutual benefit between China and ASEAN. Under the new circumstances of celebrating the 25th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations and implementing the Belt and Road Initiative, all activities related to the 13th CAEXPO fully embodied the theme and the call. In particular, all guests of honor attending the opening ceremony were impressed by “Jointly Building; Excelling Cohesively”, which was displayed on the large screen, implying that China and ASEAN countries should make concerted efforts to upgrade international production capacity cooperation from traditional industries to modern ones via approaches of information and intelligence.
  Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli noted that China-ASEAN dialogue relations, with an extraordinary course, have made remarkable achievements, demonstrating that bilateral cooperation serves the interests of both peoples and that enhancing cooperation is a sure way to realize common development and to bring real benefits to people of the two sides. China and ASEAN have been collectively dedicated to building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, although the road to global economic recovery is rough, with many ups and downs. By virtue of CAEXPO, China and ASEAN have reinforced the consensus and resolve to comprehensively advance the friendly cooperative partnership between the two sides.
  Vietnam served as the Country of Honor of the 13th CAEXPO. Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said, “Achievements of economic cooperation between ASEAN and China cannot be separated from bilateral economic cooperation mechanism, including CAEXPO and CABIS, both of which have exerted significant influence on the enhancement of ASEAN-China strategic cooperative partnership since 2004. I think the vital role played by China, particularly Guangxi, has been reflected by both the larger exhibition area and the increased number of ASEAN-China exhibitors. Besides, ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, have confidence in the potential, opportunities and prospects of bilateral economic and trade ties.”   Increased brand effect
  With the 13-year careful cultivation, CAEXPO has evolved into the best platform for the expansion of business opportunities in the China-ASEAN region. During the 13th CAEXPO, a newly-built exhibition hall was put into use for the first time; however, booths available didn’t meet the demands of enterprises from China and beyond. Statistics show that the number of participating enterprises amounted to 2,669, an increase of 21% over the previous year; the exhibition area for ten ASEAN countries and countries outside the China-ASEAN region rose by 28.6% compared with last year, among which seven ASEAN countries, namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, set up their national pavilions, respectively; participating merchants at the 13th CAEXPO reached 65 thousand and purchasing agent groups increased by 4.7% over the previous year.
  Moreover, well-known enterprises increased by 10% compared with last year. Many enterprises in the Fortune Global 500, leading enterprises and famous private enterprises engaged in the Expo. In particular, Huawei and Alibaba made their debuts, and they both signed cooperation agreements with their counterparts, respectively. “CAEXPO has made us more aware of the enormous potential of trade’s role in boosting the economic growth of ASEAN countries,” said Jack Ma, Chairman of Alibaba Group.
  Furthermore, new exhibitors outside the region, such as Korea, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, UAE, Australia, Egypt and Lebanon, set up their pavilions in the newly-increased international exhibition area, signifying that CAEXPO’s services have extended from the China-ASEAN region to the routes of the Belt and Road. According to the statistics, a total of 65 enterprises from 18 countries and numerous purchasing agents from 51 countries and regions participated in the Expo. “I think CAEXPO is a truly extraordinary gathering for travelling merchants from all over the world,” said Palo Nicolaou, purchasing manager of Italia’s BINLI, “not only are exhibitors hospitable, but also items on display are original.”
  Continuous extension of CAEXPO
  Activities related to the 13th CAEXPO were reported by 1,434 journalists from 255 news organizations in 18 countries and regions, thus arousing the attention of all relevant parties. In particular, 91 journalists from 70 news organizations in ASEAN countries engaged in the Expo, continuing to keep a record of the number of journalists present at expos held in China.   Compared with previous years, more people had access to news reports about the 13th CAEXPO, which is mainly attributed to more effective ways of interaction, including FACEBOOK, WeiChat, Mircoblog, website, and live video. As of September 14, 2016, over 16,700 news reports were published by domestic and foreign media: a variety of state-level media like People’s Daily, Economic Daily, Guangming Daily, and China Daily launched their special issues themed with CAEXPO; CAEXPO’s website and 35 media set up the topic: CAEXPO 2016, and the number of people clicking on related articles exceeded 36 million; users of CAEXPO’s WeChat were more than 21 thousand; users of CAEXPO’s FACEBOOK totaled 53 thousand; and The 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations (Special Issue) was published by China-ASEAN Panorama Magazine Agency.
  More targeted and efficient innovative services
  “Exhibition halls available during the 13th CAEXPO are more spacious, with more convenient entries and exits,” said then Chinese Ambassador to Thailand Zhang Jiuhuan.
  In the newly-increased exhibition hall, supporting facilities like card issuing hall, venue for opening ceremony, news center, customs supervision warehouse, dining room and conference room were available, and the levels of management and services on the site were considerably increased; the qualification of exhibitors continued to be under strict control; more high-quality catering enterprises were introduced to meet the demands of 60 thousand participants at most; security check doors were planned in a reasonable way and the related process was optimized.
  In addition, the levels of reception, chartered airlines, translation & interpreting, and voluntary services further improved, offering more appropriate, considerate and personalized services to all travelling merchants present at the Expo.
  All these improvements also enhanced the brand effect of CAEXPO. Mr. Zhu Jidong, general manager of Orient International Holding Shanghai Foreign Trade Co., Ltd., said that CAEXPO has evolved into a grand gathering which is mature enough; meanwhile, products from ASEAN countries can be displayed, and friends met at the Expo.
10月19日,柬埔寨农林渔业部与天睿(柬)农业经贸合作特区在柬埔寨首都金边签署合作备忘录,标志着中国—柬埔寨国家级农业经贸合作项目正式确立。  据了解,天睿(柬)农业经贸合作特区是中柬两国国家农业部共同确认的国家级合作项目,双方将大力支持该项目的建设发展,将合作区共同建设成集研发、培育、种植,到收购、仓储、加工,再到销售、物流、服务等上中下游产业链一体化的“中柬国家级农业经贸合作区”项目。
广西南宁横县六景镇位于南宁市区东面50公里处,地处广西的中心地带,拥有四通八达的交通网络。其中泉南高速、广昆高速、六钦高速交汇于此;湘桂铁路、黎钦铁路穿境而过;同时紧邻郁江航道,南宁港六景港区拥有10个3000吨级港口泊位;距离南宁吴圩国际机场仅有80公里路程。  这里就是南宁六景工业园区的所在地。极佳的区位优势,使之拥有了难得的发展机遇。  2016年,在中国劳动力成本上涨和经济增速放缓等大环境
随着“一带一路”构想的逐步落地,这个全球目前最具发展潜力的经济带日益受到世界各国的关注。保险业如何发挥风险管理和保障功能,为中国企业“走出去”和“一带一路”建设保驾护航也成为了业内热议的话题。  近期,中国太平保险集团有限责任公司集团(以下简称“中国太平”)党委委员、副总经理洪波在接受本刊记者采访时表示,中国太平将全力以赴做大做优境外业务,用精品国际化金融保险服务助力国家经济发展。  紧跟“一带一
近年来,受益于中柬两国政府良好的政治经济关系和中国—东盟博览会在广西的举办,广西对柬埔寨投资呈现爆发式增长,柬埔寨已成为广西企业“走出去”最重要的投资目的地之一。  广西国宏经济发展集团有限公司(以下简称“国宏集团”)作为广西“走出去”的重要平台公司,又是如何深化与柬埔寨的农业合作,参与“一带一路”建设,造福两国人民的呢?就相关问题,本刊记者采访了广西国宏经济发展集团有限公司总理李倩。  大米种源
早在多年前,专家们就开始议论纷纷:中国廉价劳动力大势已去。从那以后,越南便有望取代中国,成为新的世界工厂。越南不但拥有相对低廉的劳动力成本,而且越南政府出台了相应的鼓励政策。当前,越南应高瞻远瞩,而不是单纯照搬中国既有的生产模式。  自中国在制造业方面的优势呈现下滑迹象以来,越南作为世界的新兴市场国家之一,成为海外投资者们眼中的“香饽饽”。过去5年,凭借廉价的劳动力成本和基础设施建设成本这两方面的
“中老两国是山水相连的好邻居;中老两国人民世代友好。”老挝驻华大使万迪·布达萨冯在接受《中国—东盟博览》杂志专访时满怀喜悦地说。  双边关系融洽 合作成果丰硕  2016年是中老建外交55周年,这是中老两国双边关系发展历程中一件具有历史意义的大事。“为了庆祝这一重要历史时刻,中老两国共同回顾了双方友好交往历史和经济合作成果。双边关系不断深化,合作领域不断扩大,为两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。”万迪
“Laos and China are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers and people of the two countries have co-existed in peace and harmony since ancient times.” During the interview with China-ASEAN P
当人民币在世界舞台崛起的时候,会给商界甚至全球经济带来什么影响?  现在中国人民币已是国际货币基金的储备货币。  国际货币基金组织在2015年11月底决定把人民币纳入特别提款权货币篮子,这对中国的人民币国际化事业具有里程碑意义。此前,人民币已经在国际化发展道路上走过了五年的历程。  经历了2007~2008年的全球金融危机,中国政府迫切希望避开所谓的“美元陷阱”,于是决定将人民币国际化,认为这是减