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采用生态足迹模型与分解分析模型,定量核算了1990—2006年辽宁省能源足迹,分析了其变动趋势及其影响因素。结果表明,1990—2006年,辽宁省能源足迹呈不断增大趋势,总量由3508万hm2增加到6491万hm2,人均值则由0.896hm2扩大到1.542hm2,增加了将近1倍,在区域生态压力中的贡献额为30%。在各类贡献因素中,经济发展对能源足迹的贡献远高于其他因素,其次为能源结构效应、人口规模效应,能源强度效应最低。虽然能源强度不断下降,但其对区域生态压力下降的贡献不足于抵消由能源结构不合理和消费水平的提高造成的生态影响,导致辽宁省能源足迹持续增加。 Using the ecological footprint model and decomposition analysis model, the energy footprint of Liaoning Province from 1990 to 2006 was quantitatively calculated, and its changing trend and its influencing factors were analyzed. The results show that from1990to2006, the energy footprint of Liaoning Province is increasing continuously, the total amount increases from 35.08 million hm2 to 64.19 million hm2, and the average value expands from 0.896hm2 to 1.542hm2, which nearly doubled. In the regional ecology The contribution to stress is 30%. Among all contributing factors, the contribution of economic development to energy footprint is much higher than other factors, followed by energy structure effect, population size effect, and lowest energy intensity effect. Although energy intensity is declining, its contribution to the decline of regional ecological pressure is not enough to offset the ecological impact caused by unreasonable energy structure and rising consumption level, resulting in a continuous increase of energy footprint in Liaoning Province.
为支持日前发布的青岛市黄岛新区六大支柱和十大新兴产业的发展,近日,青岛市黄岛新区又发布了以设立发展母基金为首的产业发展十大政策,促进企业发展。  青岛市黄岛新区已制定一整套产业转型发展的方向和路径,重点发展航运物流、石油化工等六大产业集群。优先发展海洋生物医药、游艇邮轮、通用航空等新兴产业。为促进招商引资,科学引导产业转型,青岛市黄岛新区制定产业发展十大政策。  十大政策中,设立发展母基金居于首位
每年秋冬季节连云港港由于受强冷空气的影响,约有七至八次由于狂风恶浪的影响,引航作业被迫中断1—2天,有时甚至3天,给港口生产及航运部门造成极大影响。      2010年9月21日11:20本人接到连云港引航站15:00引领“亚萨团队”进靠本港58#泊位的引航指令,由于20日观看央视天气预报,得知21日下午将有一个强冷空气过境,于是决定早一点出去,赶在大风来临前上船,确保船舶及时进港。于是和另一位