一般显示器亮度都是150~200流明,很多宣传高亮度的显示器都达到了500流明,但这只是单一提高了显示器的亮度,带来的后果就是文字发虚,因为 CRT 显示器的聚焦性能是和亮度成反比的,提高亮度最终会影响到文本显示效果。与其他显亮技术不同,飞利浦基于第三代显亮技术的 CRT 显示器107F4采用了软硬件结合的显亮(LightFrame)技术,提高亮度的同时,也提高对比度,使文本显示不受影响。飞利浦电脑显示器及外设事业部高级市场经理吴智远认为:对 CRT 显示器而言,显亮三代技术可以说是一个“革命”。下面我们就看看显亮三代技术是怎
The general brightness of the display are 150 ~ 200 lumens, many publicity highlight the monitors have reached 500 lumens, but this is only a single increase the brightness of the display, the consequences of the text is made virtual, because the CRT monitor’s focus performance and brightness into Inverse, increasing the brightness will eventually affect the text display. Unlike other bright technologies, the Philips CRT display 107F4, based on the third generation of bright technology, uses hardware and software combined with LightFrame technology to increase brightness and contrast while maintaining text display unaffected. Philips Computer Monitor and Peripherals Division Senior Marketing Manager Wu Zhiyuan believes that: CRT monitors, the bright three generations of technology can be described as a “revolution.” Here we look at how bright three generations of technology is