《高中语文课标》必修课“阅读与鉴赏”第 8点中指出 :“学习中国古代优秀作品 ,体会其中蕴涵的中华民族的精神 ,为形成一定的传统文化底蕴奠定基础。学习从历史发展的角度理解古代作品的内容价值 ,从中汲取民族智慧 ;用现代观念审视作品 ,评价其积极意义与历史局限。”为达此
In the “Reading and Appreciation” compulsory course of the “High School Chinese Language Curriculum”, point 8 points out: “Learning the outstanding works of ancient China, and understanding the spirit of the Chinese nation contained therein, lay the foundation for the formation of certain traditional cultural heritage. Learning from the historical development From the perspective of understanding the content value of ancient works, drawing national wisdom from it; reviewing works with modern concepts, evaluating their positive significance and historical limitations.”