Baishan:A Treasure Trove Shinning on the North Border

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  Every winter, Baishan City, a wonderful land mixing Chinese culture and Korean flavor, becomes a charming snow fairyland. Mountains, lakes and forests are also in silver color, making them appear as if they are cast in silver. In the morning, fog floats over the lake and frost flowers hang on the trees by the river banks. Ranked as one of the most sightworthy tourist attractions in China, Changbai Mountain is sure to lighten your trip with its unique charm. This land has boasts not only the appealing scenery, but also perfect nature resources. Visitors flock to marvel at its “Three Treasures”, namely ginseng, marten and pilous antler. Now, for the first time ever, let’s explore this great city, meet primitive forest, rare creatures and some of the surprising things.
  With the Yalu River as its boundary on the southeast, Jilin Province is situated as the geometric center of northeast Asia. There are two meanings about the name “Jilin”: One probably originates from “Girin ula”, a Manchu term meaning “along the river”, and the other comes from the literal meaning of the Chinese characters “auspicious forest”. In the southeastern part of Jilin Province, Baishan City shares a border with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea along the Yalu River.
  According to the historical record, the traces of human beings as early as the Neolithic Age were discovered in this area. In 1902, during the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911), this region was set up as the Linjiang County by the imperial government. It once belonged to different provinces including Fengtian, Tonghua and Liaoning in the early 20th century. In 1959, Hunjiang City under the jurisdiction of Jilin Province was set up in this area. Later, with the approval of the State of Council, it was renamed as Baishan City in 1994.
  With complex terrain, Baishan is densely covered by chains of mountains, hills, valleys, numerous winding rivers, lakes and wide plains, giving itself plenty of beautiful natural sceneries, such as the towering Changbai Mountain famous for the hot springs, waterfalls and Heavenly Lake, the sights of the upper and middle reaches of the Yalu River, numerous historical sites and the cross-national tourism on the border of China and Korea. The Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve is a volcano. Although it looks very beautiful, it is at the state of eruption. Also, the mysterious monster of Heavenly Lake uniquely attracts countless visitors. At present, Baishan City has been developed into a hot tourist destination, with the route of natural scenery composed of river, lakes and mountains, the route of folk customs of Korean and Manchu ethnic minorities, as well as the route of rime, ice and snow.   Belonging to a northerly continental monsoon climate, Baishan’s winter is long and severe, while summer is very short and rainy. Spring and autumn are the most pleasant seasons with more cool and sunny days. The lengthy snowy period in Baishan City makes this land a perfect place to ski and view the magnificent scenery of rime. Visiting the city in any season of a year, you will get different sceneries for there are various tourism festivals such as Wild Flowers Festival in spring, Red Leaves Festival in autumn as well as Ice and Snow Festival in winter.
  The slope of Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve is usually the first choice for most new comers to ski due to its complete tourist facilities and well-developed scenic spots. Because of its easily changeable weather, an overcoat is quite necessary for you. You will be touched deeply by different sceneries presented from different perspectives. The poplar trees have been in different shapes due to the weathering, becoming a particular site here.
  To date, a series of ice and snow activities such as winter camp for students are held recently to promote the tourism industry in Baishan, and contribute to the rise of its ice and snow industry.
  Speaking of Baishan City, its abundant natural treasures are greatly appealing. Baishan City, one of the lands in the world known for the black earth, is teemed with various kinds of special local products, a great quantity of minerals, and a vast expanse of forests. Moreover, it is a world-renowned producer of ginseng, marten and pilous antler, known as “Three Treasures in Northeast China”. Baishan City’s Fusong County is reputed as the “Land of Ginseng”, while Jingyu County is famed as the “Land of American Ginseng”, Changbai County as the “Land of Schizandra Sinensis Baill”, Jiangyuan District as the “Land of Songhua Stone”, and Hunjiang District as the “Land of Rana Chensinensis”.
  China is the earliest country in the world that discovered, applied, cultivated and processed ginseng for medical purposes. Changbai Mountain’s ginseng is regarded as the king of all Chinese traditional herbal medicines, with a shape resembling a human form, hence its name. Ginseng is of great medicinal value, which can increase physical and mental efficiency, improve the accuracy of work by promoting concentration, boost metabolism, and help regulate body functions, making us highly resistant to disease. It tops the list of the three treasures of Northeast China. In Greek, ginseng is named as “Panax”, literally meaning “all healing”. The Chinese have long believed in the curative powers of ginseng and for several thousand years have applied the root to a variety of medicines and curative soups. It is worth mentioning that some of the popular local delicacies are the ginseng chicken cooked with Maotai Wine, ginseng velvet ball and ginseng chicken cooked in sand pot. However, eating too much will shed nosebleed.   Martes zibellina is an animal under the first-grade state protection, as its fur is brown or grayish brown with white guard hairs in between, its cortex is tough and tensile, and its plush is gorgeous, delicate and thick, gentle and shiny, thus it is called the crown of the fur.
  Antler, a precious medicinal material, can replenish vital essence to benefit the marrow, nourish the blood to reinforce the kidney and strengthen tendons and bones. Baishan City is also the hometown of sika deer, and its antler wine, deer’s tail extract, deer foetus ointment and other deer-based products that are favored by domestic and foreign customers.
  Apart from “Three Treasures”, Baishan also is endowed with abundant forest resources. Changbai Mountain, a charming tourist spot with breath-taking scenery in eastern Jilin, is known as the “Sea of Forests”, making itself a perfect habitat for wildlife. The flora of Changbai Mountain makes Baishan a major herbal medicine producing area. Changbai Pine, a rare tree peculiar to Changbai Mountain, is called “Beauty Pine” for its straight trunk, bright bark and charming. Baishan City boasts the well-developed and diversified microorganism population. There are more than four hundred kinds of terrestrial wildlife welcoming each explorer. Rare animals such as siberian tiger, leopard, sika deer, oriental white stork, red-crowned crane and great bustard play an extremely important role in the rescue and protection of international endangered species.
The ancestors of the Korean ethnic group in China migrated from the Korean peninsula from about the late 17th century. Most of them were peasants fleeing from their oppressive feudal landlords. Especi
因疫情得到缓解而复工的第一天,来自泰国一家广告投资公司的杰拉达·莫兰依然保留了电脑和手机里的在线办公软件。“疫情之前,我对Lark、Facebook workplace之类的在线办公软件都不太了解,之前的工作文件大都通过公司内网发送和备份,但在居家隔离办公期间尝试了在线办公软件后,我已经迷上了这些工具。”  在东南亚,像jirada moran这样的情况并不少见,在线办公正为越来越多的“打工人”所
在长白山旅行,饱览自然美景是一大享受,满足味蕾又是另一项可以增添旅行乐趣的经典活动,除了东北乱炖之外,在这里,又有哪些特色美食值得一食?  温泉鸡蛋  长白山瀑布下方平坦地带有几十处温泉,大如碗口,小有指粗,多数泉水温度在摄氏60度以上,最热泉眼可达82度,放入鸡蛋,顷刻即熟。煮熟的鸡蛋,蛋黄凝固,蛋清不凝固,同时有一种淡淡的硫磺味,味道很好。  猴腿  猴腿,并非指猴子的腿,而是长白山的一种山野
经过近10年谈判,东盟10国与澳大利亚、中国、日本、新西兰和韩国于2020年11月15日签署了《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)。它是目前除世界贸易组织(WTO)之外最大的區域自由贸易协定,约占世界GDP的30%。RCEP的法律文本由20章组成,涵盖货物和服务贸易、人员流动、投资、知识产权、电子商务、竞争、政府采购和争端解决等有关内容。  未来,RCEP有望进一步推进贸易自由化,包括在20年
在东南亚,远程医疗早已不是新鲜事物。新冠肺炎疫情暴发以前,东南亚多国已经出现一定数量的远程医疗平台。该地区遭遇疫情考验后,它更是成为患者就医的重要渠道。它的出现,是信息技术与健康产业深度融合发展的需要,也在一定程度上满足了各国民众在疫情期间寻医问药的需求。  优化医疗资源配置中的商机  新冠肺炎疫情的持续,暴露出世界多国医疗资源不足、分配不均等问题。这样的情况同样存在于东南亚。据世界卫生组织估计,
2021年3月初,中国进入备受瞩目的两会时间。时值“十四五”规划开局起步之年,接下来“中国号列车”将如何加速奔跑?本次中国两会多方声音传达出,对外开放仍然是未来中国发展的重要引擎之一。始终伴随中国对外开放脚步、主要面向东盟和“一带一路”开放合作的重要平台——中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会)将继续发挥“助推器”的作用。  中国两会释放高水平对外开放信号  2021年3月5日,十三届全国人大四次会议
一年一度的中国两会是世界及时、客观了解中国经济、社会发展状况的重要窗口。而2021年的两会似乎与往常有点不同,“十四五”规划开局之年、建党百年、新冠肺炎疫情、百年未有之大变局……这些都让两会议题更加备受瞩目。  随着中国十三届全国人大四次会议和全国政协十三届四次会议(以下简称两会)落下帷幕,一幅未来5年中国创新发展的画卷也正在徐徐展开。这不仅向世界释放出经济复苏的利好信号,也让毗邻中国的东盟看到了
自中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会)举办以来,商品贸易领域的投资合作成果就一直是东博会上的一大亮点。而在商品贸易专题下设的东盟商品展区里,东盟各国展出的食品、农产品等每年都吸引着许多逛展的观众驻足打卡,让商品贸易专题成为了东博会上最“接地气”的专题之一。  疫情之下,东博会更是拥抱跨境电商浪潮,出新出彩办会,打造“永不落幕”的“云上东博会”、打造“东博购”东博会电商平台等,为东盟国家食品、农产品等
当直播主播“薇娅”和“李佳琦”们在中国的电商平台上一次次创造“销售神话”时,在线直播购物对不少东盟国家的老百姓来说,还是件新鲜事儿。但是如今,已经有人正在将直播带货这种业态推向东盟,并且他们相信在东盟国家同样也能上演令人惊叹的“带货神话”。  东盟电商直播发展比中国还快  “观看次数从2019年11月我们刚开始直播时的几十,到如今的几千,甚至偶尔上万,一场直播的粉丝留存数也能达到100以上,短短两
2020年,新冠肺炎疫情之下,东南亚各国纷纷实施封锁政策,旅游业遭遇“至暗时刻”。各国虽曾屡屡尝试放宽旅游管制,但疫情的反复又使这扇大门在开与关之间徘徊。近期,随着疫情形势整体趋缓、疫苗接种工作逐渐铺开,不少国家也再次开始酝酿起开放国际旅游的计划。  为重振旅游,各国如何出招?  提到东南亚旅游胜地,泰国必然榜上有名。然而根据泰国旅游局发布的数据,2019年泰国旅游业收入为3.02万亿泰铢,202