一、可变利益实体制度简介VIE一词是“可变利益实体”英语对应单词“Variable Interest Entity”的缩写,也是一个在境外上市法律业务中经常被提及的概念。它的产生主要源于我国法律法规对部分行业的外商投资存在禁止性或限制性规定。一般而言,不少选择在境外资本市场上市的公司都会将位于开曼群岛等地设立的壳公司作为其上市主体。但上市集团的主营业务均位于中国境内,拥有主营业务资产的公司通常为子公司。由于其
I. Introduction to VIE The term VIE is an acronym for “Variable Interest Entity ” and the term “Variable Interest Entity ”, which is also a concept frequently mentioned in overseas listed legal businesses. Its production mainly comes from the prohibition or restriction of the foreign investment of some industries by our laws and regulations. In general, many companies that choose to list in overseas capital markets will list shell companies established in the Cayman Islands as their main market participants. However, the listed group’s main business is located in China, and the company that has the main business assets is usually a subsidiary. Because of it