
来源 :青岛农业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sy_2005
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采用盆栽试验研究了花生饼肥、猪粪及化肥混合施用对烤烟根际土壤转化酶、脲酶活性和微生物量碳、氮及腐殖酸总碳量的影响。结果表明,土壤转化酶活性高峰出现在现蕾期,而脲酶活性在团棵期最高。花生饼肥、花生饼肥+猪粪、花生饼肥+猪粪+化肥配施时土壤酶活性显著高于化肥和不施肥处理;花生饼肥+猪粪混施显著提高微生物量碳、氮含量,纯施花生饼肥最高,其次是花生饼肥与化肥配施;不同生育时期内,微生物量碳、氮含量动态变化以微生物量碳在现蕾期达到最高值,而微生物量氮高峰出现在团棵期;施用花生饼肥提高了土壤腐殖酸总碳,花生饼肥比对照、化肥处理提高了52.2%;单施猪粪比对照、单施化肥处理提高了26.1%;但饼肥+猪粪比对照、单施化肥提高143.48%。结果表明,长期过量施用化肥烤烟土壤中,通过混施一定比例不同碳氮比的猪粪与花生饼肥,不但能够调控土壤酶活性,土壤微生物量碳、氮转化,而且增加根际土壤腐殖酸含量,提高土壤肥力,有利于烤烟品质的改善。 Pot experiments were conducted to study the effect of mixed application of peanut cake fertilizer, pig manure and chemical fertilizer on invertase, urease activity and microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen and total humic acid in flue-cured tobacco rhizosphere soil. The results showed that the peak of soil invertase activity appeared in the budding stage, while the urease activity was the highest in the shoot stage. Peanut cake fertilizer, peanut cake fertilizer + pig manure, peanut cake fertilizer + pig manure + chemical fertilizer was significantly higher than that of chemical fertilizer and no fertilizer treatment; Peanut cake fertilizer + pig manure significantly increased microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, The cake fertilizer was the highest, followed by the peanut cake fertilizer and chemical fertilizer. During the different growth stages, the dynamic changes of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen reached their highest values ​​at the budding stage and the peak nitrogen levels of microbial biomass appeared at the group stage. Compared with the control, the peanut cake fertilizer increased 52.2% of the total; the single pig manure application was increased by 26.1% compared with the control; however, the cake fertilizer + pig manure was higher than the control and single fertilizer application 143.48%. The results showed that the pig manure and peanut cake compost with a certain proportion of different C / N ratios could not only regulate soil enzyme activities, soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen conversion, but also increase the content of humic acid Content, improve soil fertility, is conducive to the improvement of the quality of flue-cured tobacco.
目的 :探讨美国心脏病协会制定的脑卒中结局评定量表 (AHA SOC)在我国使用的可能性。方法 :对 2 0 0 0年 7月~ 2 0 0 1年 6月在我科住院的 2 1 7例脑卒中病人在住院当天及住院