为研制一种瓦斯突出早期预测报警系统,于1983年开始了对南威尔士赛恩赫德雷矿长壁工作面周围微震活动的监测研究工作。BV26工作面的监测工作于1986年12月开始,直至1987年该工作面停采。 监测结果表明:微震活动与工作面开采活动及在回风巷道中检测到的瓦斯涌出量之间存在着密切的关系;工作面应力释放主要发生在采煤机采煤期间,此后只有很小的残余应力释放;一周微震活动次数的累计值与产量之间有密切的关系。 通过对微震活动的波型进行分析,可对其中83%的微震活动按其主频率分为三类。对这几类微震活动的震源及其与开采活动之间的关系正在进行分析研究。 监测期间没有发生过突出,工作面煤结构基本正常。
In order to develop an early warning system for gas outburst prediction, the monitoring of microseismic activity around the longwall face of Seanhend mine in South Wales began in 1983. The BV26 face monitoring began in December 1986 and was discontinued in 1987. The monitoring results show that there is a close relationship between the microseismic activity and the mining activity of the working face and the gas emission measured in the return airway; the stress release of the face mainly occurs during the coal mining of the coal winning machine, and only a small Of the residual stress release; a week the cumulative value of the number of microseismic activity and yield are closely related. By analyzing the wave patterns of microseismic activity, 83% of them can be classified into three types according to their main frequency. The seismic sources of these types of microseismic activity and their relationship with the mining activities are being analyzed and studied. During the monitoring there has been no prominent, basically normal coal face structure.