“三·二○事件”发生在广州 ,时间是 192 6年 3月2 0日 ,故得名。党史学界对这次事件的突发性及短促的经过和深刻的影响 ,已多有记述 ,本文重在运用《共产国际、联共 (布 )与中国革命档案资料丛书》对这次事件所披露的新资料 ,评述苏联共产党处置这一事件过程中发生的争执 ,以
The “April 20 Incident” took place in Guangzhou and was named on March 20, 1962. The history of the party historians have described the sudden and short-lived and profound influences of this incident. This article focuses on the use of the “Comintern, the League (Bolshevik) and China’s Revolutionary Archives Series” Disclosure of new information, comment on the Soviet Communist Party in the process of dealing with the dispute in order to