心绞痛主要症状是心前区(胸部)疼痛,然而并非所有的心前区疼痛都是心绞痛,由此往往导致误诊,给病人带来痛苦与治疗上的延误。近年来医学家们特别注意到食管病变,尤其是其中的贲门失弛缓症(旧名贲门痉挛),酷似心绞痛,称为非心源性胸痛,其以假乱真的程度不但迷惑病人,有时连缺乏经验的医生也可“被骗”。 两者胸痛虽极相似,但有三个不同:病因不同,治疗不同,后果不同。仔细辨别不难发现其中的差异,
The main symptom of angina is precordial (chest) pain. However, not all precordial pain is angina, which often leads to misdiagnosis and pain and treatment delay for the patient. In recent years, physicians have paid special attention to esophageal diseases, especially achalasia (former cardia spasm), which resembles angina pectoris and is called non-cardiogenic chest pain. It not only confuses patients with falsehood, but sometimes even inexperienced doctors Can also be “cheated.” Although the two are very similar to chest pain, but there are three different: different causes, different treatments, the consequences are different. Careful identification is not difficult to find the differences,