The natural coniferous forest, mainly composed of Siberian larch, Siberian spruce and Siberian koraiensis distributed in the Altai mountains, is representative of the southern Tajarin in the western part of Western Siberia. Spatial structure characteristics of natural coniferous forests in Altai Mountains were analyzed using spatial structure parameters of three stands, such as angle scale, degree of mixedness and size ratio. The results showed that: (1) The average of stand angular scale was 0.509, which indicated that the stands of natural coniferous forests in Altai Mountains were in a random distribution pattern. With the increase of tree diameter, the patterns of distribution pattern were “random distribution - clump distribution - random distribution ”; (2) The average mixed degree of stands was 0.629, which was a medium-strength mixed forest composed of different tree species, and the mixed degree of Siberian spruce was the smallest. With the increase of forest diameter, Trend; (3) Siberian fir and Siberian larch have obvious dominant position in the stand, while the Siberian pine is in a bad condition. With the increase of DBH, the size ratio of forest trees gradually decreased. However, the differentiation of size from small-diameter wood to the dominant wood from middle-diameter wood to the absolute superiority of large-diameter wood. In the Altai natural coniferous forest management, consider the large-diameter Siberian larch as logging timber, to achieve the purpose of optimizing the structure of the forest.