
来源 :噪声与振动控制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goddragon007
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本文研究了全复合材料大型冷却塔在风振、地震作用下的振动问题。该类问题中由于风机的频率与塔体的自振频率接近,容易造成共振。经研究发现,风和地震将会在共振区引起显著影响,这影响了塔的可靠度。通过改变塔体框架结构,使风机频率远离结构频率,塔体的风振、地震响应得以改善。 In this paper, the vibration problems of all-composite large cooling towers under wind and earthquake are studied. In this type of problem, the frequency of the fan is close to the natural frequency of the tower body, which easily causes resonance. The study found that wind and earthquakes will have a significant impact on the resonance area, which affects the reliability of the tower. By changing the structure of the tower body frame, the wind turbine frequency is far away from the structural frequency, and the wind-induced vibration and the seismic response of the tower body are improved.
中国正处于社会经济全面高速发展阶段,21 世纪仍将面临不同程度的自然灾害及人为事故的影响。虽然,在1999 年即联合国“国际减灾十年”的最后一年召开了日内瓦“世界减灾大会”,并通过
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摘要:科学素养指个体对日常生活、社会事物以及个人决策中所需要的科学概念和科学方法的认识和理解。科学探究是培养学生科学素养的主渠道;联系生活是培养学生科学素养的活源泉;信息交流是培养学生科学素养的加油站。  关键词:科学素养;科学探究;联系生活;信息交流    科学素养是指能运用科学原理和方法解释或处理生活和工作中的常见问题,其重点在于对科学的态度、观察和思考问题的科学性以及批判精神。化学科学素养包