今天 ,马克思主义面临着全球化时代的挑战。但马克思的唯物史观 ,特别是他分析世界历史时代的方法 ,仍然是我们认识、分析全球化问题最重要的工具之一。全球化以资本主义发达国家为主导的格局没有改变。与经济全球化、世界一体化相伴随的是区域性经济合作的发展。在经济全球化加速发展的同时 ,政治、文化领域中的普遍主义和特殊主义的紧张关系很可能会长期存在 ,并在民族国家地位问题上形成焦点
Today, Marxism is facing the challenges of the globalization era. However, Marx’s historical materialism, especially his method of analyzing the era of the world’s history, remains one of the most important tools for us to understand and analyze the issue of globalization. The pattern of globalization dominated by capitalist developed countries has not changed. Accompanying economic globalization and world integration are the development of regional economic cooperation. While economic globalization is accelerating, tensions between universalism and specialism in the political and cultural fields are likely to persist for a long time and will become the focus of the issue of the nation-state status