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  The end, as it happens, is nigh: “ChineseScientists Create New Mutant Birdflu”,“Made-in-China Killer Flu Virus”,
Black box theater and Chinese opera, what’s not to like?  小剧场里中国传统戏曲的坚守与创新  BY HATTY LIU  The iridescent opera costumes are opulent against the backdrop of black box theater, yet at times, at the lowe
The villains in Feng Xiaogang’s latest film, I Am Not Madame Bovary, are not malevolent; their worst trait is cowardice mixed with fawning stupidity. None dare contradict officials higher up on the fo
Eighteenth-century Europe’s fascination with Chinese kitsch  中國土豪对“欧陆风”喜爱有加,其实,18世纪的欧洲贵族也曾对“中国风”有过相似的狂热  When it comes to taking stock of an era’s bad tastes, satirists are usually right on the money.
New graduates weigh the benefits and pitfalls of “slow employment”  就業市场的竞争依旧激烈,可“慢就业”的浪潮已悄然来袭  At a campus fair, students armed with resumes prowl the crowded recruiting booths, searching for any sig
Peering through the ruins of St. Paul’s Cathedral, an iconic facade that justifiably serves as one of Macau’s most instantly recognizable tourist attractions, you can, if you position yourself just ri
Photographs by Qiushan Hongye (秋山紅叶)  The wood carvers of this eastern town put art in every cut  冲山木雕佛像:技艺与信仰的结合  As the saying goes, “In heaven there is paradise, on earth there are Suzhou and Hangz
Tea plantations in Northern Thailand built by descendants of Chinese soldiers  在泰國北部的美斯乐,有一个来历特别的华人社区。硝烟散尽后,种植乌龙茶成了他们的新事业  Mae Salong sits along a winding mountain road in Northern Thailand. The villa
China’s independent filmmakers compete for funding in a risky market  中国独立电影的那些事儿  I’m still surprised by the doors that are opened here and the kinds of meetings you can get into,” says Chinese-Ameri
The complex culture of Nanjing’s migrant vendors  这里有混乱与纷争,也有江湖义气和兄弟情谊;南京夜市这个微型社会里, 浓缩了外来创业者的辛酸与喜悦  A few hours before the sun goes down, Yaojia Road on the outskirts of Nanjing becomes a confluence o
How to rule the boardroom with revolutionary rhetoric  在商场即战场的今天,如何带领团队走向胜利?  If you’re in the job market today, you might have noticed that every employer is looking for leadership skills. You also m